Page 40 - 23. COMPILER QB - IND AS 109_32
P. 40


        Q26 (May 18 - 8 Marks)

        S  Limited  issued  redeemable  preference  shares  to  its  Holding  Company  -H  Limited.  The  terms  of  the
        instrument have been summarized below. Analyse the given situation, applying the guidance in Ind AS 109
        'Financial Instruments', and account for this in the books of H Limited
                                          Nature                     Non-cumulative redeemable

                                                                         preference shares
                         Repayment                                    Redeemable after 3 years
                         Date of Allotment                                  1st April 2015

                         Date of Repayment                                31st March 2018
                         Total Period                                         3 Years

                         Value of Preference Shares issued                   5,00,00,000
                         Dividend Rate                                   0.0001% Per Annum
                         Market rate of interest                          12% Per Annum
                         Present value factor                                  0.7118


        1.  Analysis of the financial instrument issued by S Ltd. to its holding company H Ltd.
        Applying  the  guidance  in  Ind  AS  109,  a  ‘financial  asset’  shall  be  recorded  at  its  fair  value  upon  initial
        recognition. Fair value is normally the transaction price. However, sometimes certain types of instruments may
        be  exchanged  at off  market  terms  (ie,  different from  market terms  for  a  similar  instrument  if  exchanged
        between market participants).

        For example, a long-term loan or receivable that carries no interest while similar instruments if exchanged
        between  market  participants  carry  interest,  then  fair  value  for  such  loan  receivable  will  be  lower  from  its
        transaction  price  owing  to  the  loss  of  interest  that  the  holder  bears.  In  such  cases  where  part  of  the
        consideration given or received is for something other than the financial instrument, an entity shall measure

        the fair value of the financial instrument.
        In the above case, since S Ltd has issued preference shares to its Holding Company– H Ltd, the relationship
        between the parties indicates that the difference in transaction price and fair value is akin to investment
        made  by  H  Ltd.  in  its  subsidiary.  This  can  further  be  substantiated  by  the  nominal  rate  of  dividend  i.e.
        0.0001% mentioned in the terms of the instrument issued.

        Computations on initial recognition:               Rs
                Transaction value of the Redeemable preference shares                        5,00,00,000
                Less: Present value of loan component @ 12% (5,00,00,000 x .7118)           (3,55,90,000)

                Investment in subsidiary                                                     1,44,10,000

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