Page 43 - 23. COMPILER QB - IND AS 109_32
P. 43

Loss has decreased to 30,000. In substance it is a gain of 20,000

         iv. Accounting on 30th September 2017

                                              Particulars                                    Dr. (Rs)  Cr. (Rs)
           Derivative financial liability A/c                Dr.                              30,000
           Derivative financial asset A/c                   Dr.                               24,000

                 To Profit and Loss A/c                                                                 54,000
           (Being gain on mark to market of forward contract booked as derivative financial asset and
           reversal of derivative financial liability)

        v. Accounting on 31st December 2017
        The settlement of the derivative forward contract by actual purchase of USD 40,000
                                            Particulars                       Dr. (Rs)     Cr. (Rs)
                      Cash (USD Account) (USD 40,000 x Rs 62) Dr.             24,80,000

                      Profit and loss A/c                            Dr.       1,44,000
                            To Cash (USD 40,000 x Rs 65)                                  26,00,000

                            To Derivative financial asset A/c                               24,000
                      (Being  loss  on  settlement  of  forward  contract  booked  on
                      actual purchase of USD)

        Q28 (Nov 18 - 4 Marks)

        NAV Limited granted a loan of Rs120 lakh to OLD Limited for 5 years @ 10% p.a. which is Treasury bond
        yield of equivalent maturity. But the incremental borrowing rate of OLD Limited is 12%. In this case, the loan
        is granted to OLD Limited at below market rate of interest. Ind AS 109 requires that a financial asset or
        financial liability is to be measured at fair value at the initial recognition. Should the transaction price be
        treated  as  fair  value?  If  not,  find  out  the  fair  value.  What  is  the  accounting  treatment  of  the  difference
        between the transaction price and the fair value on initial recognition in the book of NAV Ltd.? Present value

        factors at 12%:
                                    Year        1        2        3        4        5
                                     PVF      0.892    0.797    0.712    0.636    0.567

        Since the loan is granted to OLD Ltd at 10% i.e. below market rate of 12%. It will be considered as loan given

        at off market terms. Hence the Fair value of the transaction will be lower from its transaction price & not
        the transaction price.

        Calculation of fair value

                                Year   Future cash flow    Discounting    Present value (in
                                          (in lakh)      factor @ 12%          lakh)
                                 1           12              0.892             10.704
                                 2           12               0.797            9.564

                                 3           12               0.712            8.544

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