Page 44 - 23. COMPILER QB - IND AS 109_32
P. 44

Year   Future cash flow    Discounting    Present value (in
                                          (in lakh)      factor @ 12%          lakh)

                                 4           12              0.636             7.632
                                 5       120+12=132          0.567             74.844

        The fair value of the transaction is Rs111.288 lakh.
        Since fair value is based on level 1 input or valuation technique that uses only data from observable markets,
        difference between fair value and transaction price will be recognized in Profit and Loss as fair value loss i.e.
        Rs120 lakh– Rs111.288 lakh= Rs 8.712 lakh.

        Note:  One  may  also calculate the  above fair value  by  the  way  of  annuity  on interest  amount  rather  than
        separate calculation

        Q29 (Nov 18 - 8 Marks)

        Veer Limited issues convertible bonds of Rs75,00,000 on 1st April, 2018. The bonds have a life of five years
        and a face value of Rs20 each, and they offer interest payable at the end of each financial year at a rate of

        4.5 percent annum. The bonds are issued at their face value and each bond can be converted into one ordinary
        share in Veer Ltd at any time in the next five years. Companies of a similar risk profile have recently issued
        debt at 6 percent per annum with similar terms but without the option for conversion.
        You are required to:
        (i)  Provide the appropriate accounting entries for initial recognition as per the relevant Ind AS in the books
             of the company.

        (ii)  Calculate the stream of interest expenses across the five years of the life of the bonds.
        (iii) Provide the accounting entries if the holders of the bonds elect to convert the bonds to ordinary shares
             at the end of the fourth year.

                                       Present value of bonds at the market rate of debt
        Present value of principal to be received in 5 years discounted at 6% (75,00,000 x 0.747) = 56,02,500
        Present value of interest stream discounted at 6% for 5 years (3,37,500 x4.212) = 14,21,550

        Total present value                                = 70,24,050
        Equity component                                   = 4,75,950
        Total face value of convertible bonds              = 75,00,000

        (i)                                        Journal Entries

                                                                       Dr. Amount       Cr. Amount
                                                                          (Rs)             (Rs)
                    1st April, 2018
                    Cash Dr.                                            75,00,000

                       To Convertible bonds (liability)                                  70,24,050
                       To Convertible bonds (equity component)                            4,75,950
                    (Being entry to record the convertible bonds and the

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