Page 45 - 23. COMPILER QB - IND AS 109_32
P. 45

recognition of the liability and equity components)
                     31st March, 2019

                    Interest expense Dr.                                 4,21,443
                       To Cash                                                            3,37,500
                       To Convertible bonds (liability)                                   83,943

                    (Being entry to record the interest expense)

         (ii)  The stream of interest expense is summarised below, where interest for a given year is calculated by
              multiplying  the  present  value  of  the  liability  at  the  beginning  of  the  period  by  the  market  rate  of

              interest, this is being 6 per cent.
                          Date          Payment     Interest expense at   Increase in    Total bond
                                                     6% (e of previous   bond liability   liability (e of
                                                       year x 6%)          (c-b)      previous year +d)
                          (a)              (b)             (c)              (d)              (e)
                      1st April, 2018                                                     70,24,050
                     31st March, 2019    3,37,500        4,21,443          83,943         71,07,993
                    31st March, 2020     3,37,500        4,26,480          88,980         71,96,973
                     31st March, 2021    3,37,500        4,31,818          94,318         72,91,291
                    31st March, 2022     3,37,500        4,37,477          99,977         73,91,268
                    31st March, 2023     3,37,500       4,46,232*         1,08,732        75,00,000
         ❖  Difference is due to rounding off.

         (iii) If the holders of the bond elect to convert the bonds to ordinary shares at the end of the fourth year
              (after receiving their interest payments), the entries in the fourth year would be:

                                                                            Dr. (Rs)      Cr. (Rs)
                     31st March, 2022
                     Interest expense A/c Dr.                               4,37,477
                        To Cash A/c                                                       3,37,500
                        To Convertible bonds (liability) A/c                               99,977
                     (Being entry to record interest expense for the period)
                     31st March, 2022
                     Convertible bonds (liability) A/c Dr.                 73,91,268
                     Convertible bonds (equity component) A/c Dr.           4,75,950
                        To Ordinary share capital A/c                                     78,67,218
                     (Being  an  entry  to  record  the  conversion  of  bonds  into
                     ordinary shares of Veer Limited).

        Q30 (Nov 18 - 8 Marks)

        Growth  Limited  on  1st  April,  2015  issued  50,000,  7%  convertible  debentures  of  face  value  of  Rs100  per
        debenture at par. The debentures are redeemable at a premium of 10% on 31st March, 2020 or these may be
        converted into ordinary shares at the option of the holder. The interest rate for equivalent debentures without
        conversion rights would have been 10%. The date of transition to Ind AS is 1st April, 2017.

        Suggest how Growth Limited should account for this compound financial instrument on the date of transition.
        Also discuss Ind AS on 'Financial Instrument' presentation in the above context.
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