Page 41 - 23. COMPILER QB - IND AS 109_32
P. 41

Subsequently,  such  preference  shares  shall  be  carried  at  amortised  cost  at  each  reporting  date  as
                        Year           Date             Opening      Interest @     Closing balance

                                                        Balance          12%
                                   1st April, 2015    3,55,90,000         -           3,55,90,000
                          1       31  March, 2016     3,55,90,000     42,70,800       3,98,60,800
                          2       31st March, 2017    3,98,60,800     47,83,296       4,46,44,096
                          3       31st March, 2018    4,46,44,096     53,55,904       5,00,00,000

        * Rs 4,46,44,096 x 12% = Rs 53,57,292. The difference of Rs 1,388 (Rs 53,57,292 – Rs 53,55,904) is due to
        approximation in present value factor.

                        0.  In the books of H Ltd. Journal Entries to be done at every reporting date
                       Date                         Particulars                  Amount         Amount

               1st April, 2015        Investment (Equity portion) Dr.           1,44,10,000
                                     Redeemable Preference Shares Dr.           3,55,90,000
                                        To Bank                                               5,00,00,000

                                      (Being initial recognition of transaction recorded)
               31  March, 2016        Redeemable Preference Share Dr.           42,70,800
                                        To Interest income                                     42,70,800

                               (Being interest income on loan component recognized)
               31st March, 2017       Redeemable Preference Shares Dr.          47,83,296

                                        To Interest income                                    47,83,296
                               (Being interest income on loan component recognized)
               31st March, 2018       Redeemable Preference Shares Dr.          53,55,904
                                        To Interest income                                     53,55,904

                                (Being interest income on loan component recognized)
               31st March, 2018       Bank Dr.                                  5,00,00,000

                                        To Redeemable Preference Shares                       5,00,00,000
                  (Being settlement of transaction done at the end of the third year)

        Q27 (May 18 - 8 Marks)

        On  1st  January  2017,  Expo  Limited  agreed  to  purchase  USD  ($)  40,000  from  E&I Bank  in  future  on  31st
        December 2017 for a rate equal to Rs 65 per USD. Expo Limited did not pay any amount upon entering into

        the contract. Expo Limited is a listed company in India and prepares its financial statements on a quarterly
        Using  the  definition  of  derivative  included  in  Ind  AS  109  and  following  the  principles  of  recognition  and
        measurement as laid down in Ind AS 109, you are required to record the entries for each quarter ended till the
        date of actual purchases of USD.
        For  the  purpose  of  accounting,  use  the  following  information  representing  marked  to  market  fair  value  of

        forward contracts at each reporting date:

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