Page 42 - 23. COMPILER QB - IND AS 109_32
P. 42

As at 31st March, 2017                       Rs (50,000)
                                As at 30th June, 2017                        Rs (30,000)

                                As at 30th September, 2017                    Rs 24,000
                                Spot rate of USD on 31st December, 2017    Rs 62 per USD

        Assessment of the arrangement using the definition of derivative included under Ind AS 109.

        Derivative is a financial instrument or other contract within the scope of this Standard with all three of the
        following characteristics:
         .   its value changes in response to the change in foreign exchange rate (emphasis laid)
        a.  It requires no initial net investment or an initial net investment is smaller than would be required for
            other types of contracts with similar response to changes in market factors.
        b.  It is settled at a future date.

        Upon  evaluation  of  contract  in  question,  on  the  basis  of  the  definition  of  derivative,  it  is  noted  that  the
        contract meets the definition of a derivative as follows:
         .   The value of the contract to purchase USD at a fixed price changes in response to changes in foreign
            exchange rate.
        b. The initial amount paid to enter into the contract is zero. A contract which would give the holder a similar

        response to foreign exchange rate changes would have required an investment of USD 40,000 on inception.
        c. the contract is settled in future

        The derivative is a forward exchange contract.
        As  per  Ind  AS  109,  derivatives  are  measured  at  fair  value  upon  initial  recognition  and  are  subsequently

        measured at fair value through profit and loss.

                                               Accounting in each Quarter
        i. Accounting on 1st January 2017
        As there was no consideration paid and without evidence to the contrary the fair value of the contract on the

        date of inception is considered to be zero. Accordingly, no accounting entries shall be recorded on the date of
        entering into the contract.

       ii.      Accounting on 31st March 2017
                                            Particulars                        Dr. (Rs)   Cr. (Rs)
                      Profit and loss A/c                  Dr.                  50,000
                            To Derivative financial liability                              50,000
                      (Being mark to market loss on forward contract recorded)

         iii. Accounting on 30th June 2017
                                            Particulars                     Dr. (Rs)    Cr. (Rs)
                         Derivative financial liability A/c Dr.            20,000

                            To Profit and Loss A/c                                    20,000
                         (Being  partial  reversal  of  mark  to  market  loss  on
                         forward contract recorded)
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