Page 47 - 23. COMPILER QB - IND AS 109_32
P. 47

Dividend @ 10% = 9,00,000
                   1.  Computation of Liability & Equity Component
                             Date               Particulars        Cash       Discount     Net present

                                                                    Flow        Factor        Value
                          01-Apr-2017                             0              1             0.00
                          31-Mar-2018            Dividend       9,00,000      0.8696         7,82,640

                          31-Mar-2019            Dividend       9,00,000       0.7561        6,80,490
                          31-Mar-2020            Dividend       9,00,000       0.6575        5,91,750

                          31-Mar-2021            Dividend       9,00,000       0.5718        5,14,620
                          31-Mar-2022            Dividend       9,00,000       0.4971        4,47,390
                     Total Liability Component                                               30,16,890

                         Total Proceeds                                                      90,00,000
                   Total Equity Component (Bal
                              fig)                                                           59,83,110

         2.  Allocation of transaction costs
                                    Particulars      Amount      Allocation   Net Amount
                                                        a            b            a-b
                                Liability Component   30,16,890   60,338       29,56,552
                                 Equity Component    59,83,110    1,19,662     58,63,448
                                  Total Proceeds     90,00,000    1,80,000     88,20,000

         3.  Accounting for liability at amortised cost
            ●  Initial accounting = Present value of cash outflows less transaction costs
            ●  Subsequent  accounting  =  At  amortised  cost,  i.e.  initial  fair  value  adjusted  for  interest  and
               repayments of the liability.
                                              Opening      Interest    Cash Flow    Closing Financial
                                              Financial   @ 15.86%     (Dividend    Liability A+B-C
                                             Liability A     B        payment) C

                            01-Apr-2017       29,56,552                                29,56,552
                            31-Mar-2018       29,56,552   4,68,909      9,00,000       25,25,461
                            31-Mar-2019       25,25,461   4,00,538      9,00,000       20,25,999
                           31-Mar-2020        20,25,999   3,21,323      9,00,000       14,47,322
                            31-Mar-2021       14,47,322   2,29,545      9,00,000       7,76,867
                           31-Mar-2022        7,76,867    1,23,133*     9,00,000          -
        *Difference of Rs 78 (adjusted in the interest value of 31 March, 2022) is due to approximation of figures in
        the earlier years.
        4.  Journal Entries to be recorded for entire term of arrangement are as follows:
                          Date                        Particulars                  Debit       Credit
                       01-Apr-2017     Bank A/c                             Dr.   88,20,000

                                       To Preference Shares A/c                              29,56,552
                                   To Equity Component of Preference shares A/c              58,63,448

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