Page 46 - 23. COMPILER QB - IND AS 109_32
P. 46

The present value of Rs1 receivable at the end of each year based on discount rates of 7% and 10% can be
        taken as:

                                   End of Year       1       2       3       4       5
                                       7%           0.94    0.87    0.82    0.76    0.71
                                       10%          0.91    0.83    0.75    0.68   0.62

        Since  the  liability  is  outstanding  on  the  date  of  Ind  AS  transition,  Growth  Ltd.  is  required  to  split  the
        convertible debentures into debt and equity portion on the date of transition. Accordingly, first the liability
        component will be measured discounting the contractually determined stream of future cash flows (interest
        and principal) to present value by using the discount rate of 10% p.a. (being the market interest rate for
        similar debentures with no conversion option)

        Calculation of Equity & Liability component on initial recognition
                       Present  Interest  payments  for  5  years  on  debentures  by  applying   13,26,500
                       annuity factor [(50,000 x 7% x 100) x 3.79]
                       PV of principal repayment (including premium) (50,000x110x0.62)    34,10,000
                       Total liability component                                        47,36,500
                       Total equity component (Balancing figure)                         2,63,500
                       Total proceeds from issue of Debentures                          50,00,000
        Thus, on the date of transition, the amount of Rs 50,00,000 being the amount of debentures will split as
                                               Debt         Rs 47,36,500
                                               Equity       Rs 2,63,500

        Q31 (May 19 - 12 Marks)

        Perfect Ltd. issued 50,000 Compulsory Cumulative Convertible preference Shares (CCCPS) as on 1 April, 2017
        @ Rs 180 each.  The rate of dividend is 10% payable at the end of every year. The preference shares are
        convertible  into  12,500  equity  shares  (Face  value  Rs  10  each)  of  the  company  at  the  end  of  5th  year
        from the date of allotment.  When the CCCPS are issued, the prevailing market interest rate for similar debt
        without conversion option is 15% per annum.
        Transaction  cost  on  the  date  of  issuance  is  2%  of  the  value  of  the  proceeds.   Effective  Interest  Rate  is

        15.86%. (Round off the figures to the nearest multiple of Rupee)
        Discounting Factor @ 15%
                                Year            1         2          3          4          5
                           Discount Factor   0.8696    0.7561    0.6575      0.5718     0.4971

        You  are  required  to  compute  Liability  and  Equity  Component  and  Pass  Journal  Entries  for  entire  term  of
        arrangement i.e. from the issue of Preference Shares till their conversion into Equity Shares. Keeping in view
        the provisions of relevant Ind AS.

        This is a compound financial instrument with two components – liability representing present value of future
        cash outflows and balance represents equity component.
        Total proceeds = 50,000 Shares x 180each = 90,00,000

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