Page 61 - 23. COMPILER QB - IND AS 109_32
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interest bearing principal.
         ●    The accrued interest shall be paid on an annual basis.
         ●    Mrs. B must remain in service till the term of the loan ends.
         ●    The market rate of a comparable loan available to Mrs. B, is 12% per annum.

         ●    Give your calculations by adopting the present value factor as:
                             31.12.2019   31.12.2020    31.12.2021    31.12.2022    31.12.2023
                              0.8929        0.7972        0.7118       0.6355        0.5674
        Following table shows the contractually expected cash flows from the loan given to Mrs. B.
                                                                                                 (Amount in Rs)

                          Date             Outflows      Principal   Interest   Interest     Principal
                                                                      income    income     outstanding
                                                                      (7%)       (4%)
                     1st January 2019     (25,00,000)                                        25,00,000
                                                         5,00,000     1,05,000   40,000
                    31st December 2020                   5,00,000     70,000     40,000      15,00,000
                    31st December 2021                   5,00,000     35,000     40,000      10,00,000
                   31st December 2022                    5,00,000       -        40,000      5,00,000
                   31st December 2023                    5,00,000       -        20,000         -
        Mrs. B pre-pays Rs 5,00,000 on 31st December 2020, reducing the outstanding principal as on date to Rs

        Following table shows the actual cash flows from the loan given to Mrs. B, considering the prepayment event
        on 31st December, 2020:                                                (Amount in Rs)
                            Date              Outflows     Principal   Interest   Interest   Principal
                                                                       income    income    outstanding
                                                                       (7%)      (4%)
                        1st January 2019    (25,00,000)                                     25,00,000
                      31st December 2019                   5,00,000   1,05,000   40,000     20,00,000
                      31st December 2020                   10,00,000   70,000    40,000     10,00,000
                      31st December 2021                   5,00,000      -       40,000     5,00,000
                      31st December 2022                   5,00,000      -       20,000        -
                      31st December 2023                      -          -          -          -
        Record  the  journal  entries  (up  to  31st  December,  2020)  in  the  books  of  Softech  Limited  considering  the

        requirements of Ind AS 109.

        As  per  Ind  AS  109,  a  financial  instrument  is  initially  measured  and  recorded  at  its  fair  value.  Therefore,
        considering  the  market  rate  of  interest  of  similar  loan  available  to  Mrs.  B  is  12%,  the  fair  value  of  the
        contractual cash flows shall be as follows:
                           Date            Principal     Interest   Interest    Discount        PV
                                                        income @  income @       factor
                                                           7%         4%         @12%
                    31st December 2019      5,00,000     1,05,000    40,000      0.8929       5,75,921
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