Page 59 - 23. COMPILER QB - IND AS 109_32
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c.  On 31 March 2019, due to prepayment of a part of loan by Simran, the carrying value of the loan shall be
           re-computed by discounting the future remaining cash flows by the original effective interest rate.
           There shall be two sets of accounting entries on 31 March 2019, first the realisation of the contractual

           cash flow as shown below and then the  accounting for the pre-payment of Rs. 1,00,000 included in (d)
                    31 March 2019 –
                                            Particulars                        Dr. (Rs.)   Cr. (Rs.)
                      Bank A/c                                                3,39,000
                           To Interest income A/c                                         66,463
                           To Loan to employee A/c                                        2,72,537
                      (Being second instalment of repayment of loan
                      accounted for  using the amortised cost and effective interest
                      rate of 12%)
                      Employee benefit (profit and loss) A/c                  27,126
                           To Pre-paid employee cost A/c                                  27,126
                      (Being amortization of pre-paid employee cost
                      charged to profit and loss as employee benefit cost)

                                 Computation of new carrying value of loan to employee:

                        Date       Principal    Interest      Interest    Discount factor      PV
                                               income 8%     income 5%        @12%
                      31.03.2020    200,000        -           10,000          0.893        1,87,530
                    Total (revised carrying value)                                          1,87,530
                    Less: Current carrying value                                           (2,81,320)
                    Adjustment required                                                      93,790

        The difference between the amount of pre-payment and adjustment to loan shall be considered a gain, though
        will  be  recorded  as  an  adjustment  to  prepaid  employee  cost,  which  shall  be  amortised  over  the  remaining

        tenure of the loan.

        d. 31  March 2019 prepayment-
                                                                              Dr. Rs.      Cr. Rs.
                     Bank A/c                                    Dr.          1,00,000
                                To Pre-paid employee cost A/c                              6,210
                                To Loan to employee                                        93,790
                     (Being gain to lovely Limited recorded as an adjustment to pre-
                     paid employee cost)

                                 Amortisation of employee benefit cost shall be as follows:

                      Date     Opening Balance   Amortised to P & L    Adjustment      Closing balance
                   01.04.2017       81,378                                                 81378
                                    81,378             27,126                              54,252
                                   54,252              27,126             6,210            20,916
                                    20,916             20,916                               Nil
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