Page 11 - 27. COMPILER QB - IND AS 7
P. 11

Q8 (RTP Nov. 22)

        What will be the classification for following items in the statement of cash flows of both
                 (i) Banks / Financial institutions and (ii) Other Entities?

            S. No.    Particulars

               1.     Interest received on loans and advances given
               2.     Interest paid on deposits and other borrowings

               3.     Interest and dividend received on investments in subsidiaries, associates and in other entities
               4.     Dividend paid on preference and equity shares, including tax on dividend paid on preference and equity
                      shares by other entities

               5.     Finance charges paid by lessee under finance lease
               6.     Payment towards reduction of outstanding finance lease liability
               7.     Interest paid to vendor for acquiring fixed asset under deferred payment basis

               8.     Principal sum payment under deferred payment basis for acquisition of fixed assets
               9      Penal interest received from customers for late payments
               10.    Penal interest paid to suppliers for late payments
               11.    Interest paid on delayed tax payments

               12.    Interest received on tax refunds


        The following are the classification of various activities in the Statement of Cash Flows:

                    S. No.  Particulars                            Classification for reporting cash flows
                                                                   Banks / financial   Other entities

                      1.   Interest received on loans and advances   Operating Activities   Investing activities
                     2.    Interest paid on deposits and other    Operating Activities   Financing activities

                     3.    Interest   and   dividend   received   on  Investing activities   Investing activities
                           investments in subsidiaries, associates and

                           in other entities
                     4.    Dividend  paid  on  preference  and  equity  Financing activities   Financing activities
                           shares,  including  tax  on  dividend  paid  on
                           preference  and  equity  shares  by  other

                     5.    Finance  charges  paid  by lessee under  Financing activities   Financing activities
                           finance lease

                     6.    Payment towards reduction of outstanding  Financing activities   Financing activities
                           finance lease liability

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