Page 18 - 30. COMPILER QB - IND AS 101
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TOTAL ASSETS                                                           85,00,000
                    (1)  Non-Current Assets
                        (a)  Property, Plant & Equipment (net)                             20,00,000
                        (b)  Intangible assets                                              2,00,000
                        (c)  Goodwill                                                       1,00,000
                        (d)  Non-current Investments                                        5,00,000

                        (e)  Long Term Loans and Advances                                   1,50,000
                        (f)  Other Non-Current Assets                                       2,00,000
                    (2)  Current Assets
                        (a)  Current Investments                                           18,00,000
                        (b)  Inventories                                                   12,50,000
                        (c)  Trade Receivables                                              9,00,000
                        (d)  Cash and Bank Balances                                        10,00,000
                        (e)  Other Current Assets                                           4,00,000
                    TOTAL                                                                  85,00,000

        Additional Information (All figures are in ’000) :
        1.   Other current liabilities include Rs 3,90,000 liabilities to be paid in cash such as expense payable, salary

             payable etc. and Rs 60,000 are statutory government dues.
        2.  Long term loans and advances include Rs 40,000 loan and the remaining amount consists of Advance to
             staff of Rs 1,10,000.

        3.  Other non-current assets of Rs 2,00,000 consist of Capital advances to suppliers.
        4.  Other current assets include Rs 3,50,000 current assets receivable in cash and Prepaid expenses of Rs
        5.  Short term provisions include Dividend payable of Rs 2,00,000.  The dividend payable had been as a result
             of board meeting wherein the declaration of dividend for financial year 2017 -2018 was made. However, it
             is subject to approval of shareholders in the annual general meeting.

        Chief financial officer of Shaurya Limited has also presented the following information against corresponding
        relevant items in the balance sheet:
        a)  Property, Plant & Equipment consists of a class of assets as office buildings whose carrying amount is Rs
             10,00,000. However, the fair value of said office building as on the date of transition is estimated to be

             Rs  15,00,000.  Company  wants  to  follow  a  revaluation  model  as  its  accounting  policy  in  respect  of  its
             property, plant and equipment for the first annual Ind AS financial statements.
        b)  The fair value of Intangible assets as on the date of transition is estimated to be Rs 2,50,000. However,
             the management is reluctant to incorporate the fair value changes in books of account.
        c)  Shaurya  Ltd.  had  acquired  80%  shares  in  a  company,  Excel  private  limited  few  years  ago  thereby
             acquiring the control upon it at that time. Shaurya Ltd. recognised goodwill as per erstwhile accounting

             standards by accounting the excess of consideration paid over the net assets acquired at the date of
             acquisition. Fair value exercise was not done at the time of acquisition.
        d)  Trade receivables include an amount of Rs 20,000 as provision for doubtful debts measured in accordance
             with previous GAAP. Now as per latest estimates, the provision needs to be revised to Rs 25,000.
        e)  Company had given a loan of Rs1,00,000 to an entity for the term of 10 years six years ago. Transaction

             costs were incurred separately for this loan. The loan carries an interest rate of 7%. The principal amount
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