Page 19 - 30. COMPILER QB - IND AS 101
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is  to  be  repaid  in  equal  installments  over  the  period  of  ten  years  at  the  year  end.    Interest  is  also
             payable at each year end.  The fair value of loan as on the date of transition is Rs 50,000 as against the
             carrying  amount  of  loan  which  at  present  amounts  to  Rs  40,000.  However,  Ind  AS  109  mandates  to

             charge the interest expense as per effective interest method after the adjustment of transaction costs.
             Management says it is a tedious task in the given case to apply the effective interest rate changes with
             retrospective effect and hence is reluctant to apply the same retrospectively in its first-time adoption.
        f)  In the long-term borrowings, Rs 4,50,000 of component is due towards the State Government. Interest is
             payable on the government loan at 4%, however the prevailing rate in the market at present is 8%. The

             fair market value of the loan stands at Rs 4,20,000 as on the relevant date.
        g)  Under Previous GAAP, the mutual funds were measured at cost or market value, whichever is lower. Under
             Ind AS, the Company has designated these investments at fair value through profit or loss. The value of
             mutual funds as per previous GAAP is Rs 2,00,000 as included in ‘current investment’. However, the fair
             value of mutual funds as on the date of transition is Rs 2,30,000.

        h)  Ignore separate calculation of deferred tax on above adjustments. Assume the net deferred tax income to
             be Rs 50,000 on account of Ind AS transition adjustments.

        -    Prepare transition date balance sheet of Shaurya Limited as per Indian Accounting Standards
        Show  necessary  explanation  for  each  of the  items  presented  by  the  chief  financial  officer  in  the form  of

        notes, which may or may not require the adjustment as on the date of transition.

         Transition date (opening) IND-AS BALANCE SHEET of SHAURYA LIMITED As at 1 April 2018 (All figures
                                         are in ’000, unless otherwise specified)
                                Particulars                  Previous     Transitional Ind   Opening Ind AS
                                                              GAAP        AS adjustments     Balance sheet
                Non-current assets
                Property, plant and equipment (Note 1)      20,00,000        5,00,000        25,00,000
                Goodwill (Note 2)                            1,00,000           -             1,00,000

                Other Intangible assets (Note 3)             2,00,000           -             2,00,000
                Financial assets:
                       Investment                            5,00,000           -             5,00,000
                       Loans (Note 4)                         40,000          10,000          50,000
                       Other financial assets                1,10,000           -             1,10,000
                Other non-current assets                     2,00,000           -             2,00,000

                Current assets
                Inventories                                 12,50,000           -            12,50,000
                Financial assets
                       Investment (Note 5)                  18,00,000        30,000          18,30,000
                       Trade receivables (Note 6)            9,00,000           -             9,00,000
                       Cash and cash equivalents/Bank        10,00,000          -            10,00,000

                       Other financial assets                3,50,000           -             3,50,000
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