Page 8 - 30. COMPILER QB - IND AS 101
P. 8

Total equity component per debenture (Balancing figure) (B) = (C) – (A)     6.18
                   Face value per debenture   (C)                                              100
                   Total equity component for 30,000 debentures                              1,85,400

                   Total debt amount (30,000 x 93.82)                                       28,14,600
        Thus, on the date of transition, the amount of Rs 30,00,000 being the amount of debentures will be split as
                                       Debt                          Rs 28,14,600
                                       Equity                         Rs 1,85,400
        However, on the date of transition, unwinding of ₹ 28,14,600 will be done for two years as follows:

                Year   Opening balance      Finance cost @ 10%  Interest paid         Closing balance

                1      28,14,600            2,81,460             1,80,000             29,16,060
                2      29,16,060            2,91,606             1,80,000             30,27,666

        Therefore, on transition date, Sigma Ltd. shall –
        a. recognise the carrying amount of convertible debentures at ₹ 30,27,666;
        b. recognise equity component of compound financial instrument of ₹ 1,85,400;
        c.  debit  ₹  63,066  to  retained  earnings  being  the  difference  between  the  previous  GAAP  amount  of  ₹
        31,50,000 and ₹ 30,27,666 and the equity component of compound financial instrument of ₹1,85,400; and

        d. de-recognise the debenture liability in previous GAAP of ₹ 31,50,000.
         1.  3.17 is the annuity factor of the present value of Re. 1 at a discount rate of 10% for 4 years.
         2.  On maturity, Rs. 110 will be paid (Rs. 100 as principal payment + Rs. 10 as premium)

        Q5. (RTP May 21 & MTP March 22)
        HIM Limited having net worth of Rs.250 crores is required to adopt Ind AS from 1 April, 20X2 in accordance

        with the Companies (Indian Accounting Standard) Rules 2015.
        Rahul, the senior manager, of HIM Ltd. has identified following issues which need specific attention of CFO so
        that opening Ind AS balance sheet as on the date of transition can be prepared:
        Issue 1: As part of Property, Plant and Equipment, Company has elected to measure land at its fair value and
        want to use this fair value as deemed cost on the date of transition. The carrying value of land as on the

        date of transition was Rs. 5,00,000. The land was acquired for a consideration of Rs. 5,00,000. However, the
        fair value of land as on the date of transition was Rs. 8,00,000.
        Issue 2: Under Ind AS, the Company has designated mutual funds as investments at fair value through profit
        or loss. The value of mutual funds as per previous GAAP was Rs.4,00,000 (at cost). However, the fair value of
        mutual funds as on the date of transition was Rs.5,00,000.

        Issue 3: Company had taken a loan from another entity. The loan carries an interest rate of 7% and it had
        incurred certain transaction costs while obtaining the same. It was carried at cost on its initial recognition.
        The principal amount is to be repaid in equal installments over the period of loan. Interest is also payable at
        each  year  end.  The  fair value  of loan  as on the date  of transition  is Rs.  1,80,000  as  against  the  carrying
        amount of loan which at present equals Rs. 2,00,000.

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