Page 2 - 34.2 FR MARCH 22 MTP ANSWER
P. 2


                                   FINAL COURSE: GROUP – I

                          PAPER – 1: FINANCIAL  REPORTING


         Solution 1

        (a) Assessment of Preliminary Impact Assessment of Transition to Ind AS on H Limited’s
        Financial Statements
        Issue 1: Fair value as deemed cost for property plant and equipment:
               Accounting Standards        Ind AS                          Impact on Company’s financial
               (Erstwhile IGAAP)                                           statements
               As  per  AS  10,  Property,  Plant  Ind AS 101 allows entity to elect to  The  company  has  decided  to  adopt
               and Equipment is recognised at  measure   Property,   Plant   and  fair  value  as  deemed  cost  in  this
               cost less depreciation.     Equipment on the transition date at  case.  Since  fair  value  exceeds  book
                                           its  fair  value  or  previous  GAAP  value,  so  the  book  value  should  be
                                           carrying  value  (book  value)  as  brought  up  to  fair  value.  The
                                           deemed cost.                    resulting impact of fair valuation of
                                                                           land  Rs.  3,00,000  should  be
                                                                           adjusted in other equity (revaluation

                                         Journal Entry on the date of transition
                   Particulars                                               Debit (Rs.)   Credit (Rs.)
                   Property Plant and Equipment (Land)                Dr.       3,00,000
                           To Revaluation Surplus (OCI- Other Equity)                       3,00,000

        Issue 2: Fair valuation of Financial Assets:

             Accounting Standards   Ind AS                           Impact  on  Company’s  financial
             (Erstwhile IGAAP)                                       statements
             As    per   Accounting  On   transition,   financial   assets  All  financial  assets  (other  than  Investment
             Standard,  investments  including  investments  are  measured  in subsidiaries, associates and JVs’ which are
             are  measured  at  lower  at fair values except for investments  recorded  at  cost)  are  initially  recognized  at
             of cost and fair value.   in  subsidiaries,  associates  and  JVs'  fair value.
                                    which are recorded at cost.      The subsequent measurement of such assets
                                                                     are  based  on  its  categorization  either  Fair
                                                                     Value through Profit & Loss (FVTPL) or Fair
                                                                     Value  through  Other  Comprehensive  Income
                                                                     (FVTOCI)  or  at  Amortised  Cost  based  on
                                                                     business  model  assessment  and  contractual
                                                                     cash flow characteristics.
                                                                     Since  investment  in  mutual  fund  are
                                                                     designated at FVTPL, increase of
                                                                     Rs. 1,00,000 in mutual funds fair value would
                                                                     increase  the  value  of  investments  with
                                                                     corresponding increase to Retained Earnings.

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