Page 6 - 34.2 FR MARCH 22 MTP ANSWER
P. 6

(b)  In the instant case, since fire took place after the end of the reporting period, it is a non -adjusting
             event.  However,  in  accordance  with  paragraph  21  of  Ind  AS  10,  disclosures  regarding  material  non-
             adjusting  event  should  be  made  in  the  financial  statements,  i.e.,  the  nature  of  the  event  and  the

             expected financial effect of the same.
        With regard to going concern basis followed for preparation of financial statements, the company needs to
        determine whether it is appropriate to prepare the financial statements on going concern basis, if there is
        only one plant which has been damaged due to fire. If the effect of deterioration in operating results and
        financial  position  is  so  pervasive  that  management  determines  after  the  reporting  period  either  that  it

        intends  to  liquidate  the  entity  or  to  cease  trading,  or  that  it  has  no  realistic  alternative  but  to  do  so,
        preparation of financial statements for the financial year 20X0- 20X1 on going concern assumption may not
        be appropriate. In that case, the financial statements may have to be prepared on a basis other than going
        However, if the going concern assumption is considered to be appropriate even after t he fire, no adjustment

        is required in the financial statements for the year ending 31 st March, 20X1.

        (c)  (i)  De-commissioning Obligation of G Ltd. and recognition of decommissioning cost:
        Retrospective application of Ind AS 37 requires management to recognise the provision for decommissioning
        cost  on  the  opening  Ind  AS  Balance  Sheet.  The  provision  should  reflect  the  net  present  value  of  the
        management’s best estimate of the amount required to settle the obligation.

        Accounting Treatment:
        The obligation should be capitalised as a separate component of property, plant and equipment, together with
        the accumulated depreciation from the date when the obligation was incurred to the transition date. The
        amount to be capitalised as part of the cost of the asset is calculated by discounting the liability back to

        the  date  when  the  obligation  initially  arose,  using  the  best  estimate  of  historical  discount  rate.  The
        associated accumulated depreciation is calculated by applying the current estimate of the asset’s useful life,
        using the entity’s depreciation policy for the asset.
        Any difference between the provision and the related component of the property, plant and equipment is
        adjusted against the retained earnings.
        The entity could elect to apply the deemed cost exemption. Property, plant and equipment would be restated

        to fair value, with the corresponding adjustment to the retained earnings. Management would need to ensure
        that  the  fair  value  obtained  was  the  gross  fair  value  and  not  net  of  the  decommissioning  obligation.
        Management would recognise the provision for decommissioning costs in accordance with Ind AS 37. No cost
        in respect of provision should be added to property, plant and equipment but such cost should be recognised
        in the entity’s opening retained earnings.

        (ii)  Measurement basis for valuation of PPE:
        An entity has the following options with respect to measurement of its property, plant and equipment (Ind
        AS 16) in the opening Ind AS Balance Sheet:
          Measurement basis as per the respective standards applied retrospectively. This measurement option can
             be  applied  on  an  item-by-item  basis.  For  example,  Plant  A  can  be  measured  applying  Ind  AS  16
             retrospectively and Plant B can be measured applying the “fair value” or “revaluation” options mentioned

          Fair value at the date of transition to Ind AS. This measurement option can be applied on an item-by-
             item basis in similar fashion as explained above.

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