Page 5 - 34.2 FR MARCH 22 MTP ANSWER
P. 5

10% Convertible debentures        75,000       40,000
                                                        1,65,000      56,150       2.939        Dilutive
                       Convertible Preference Shares     67,500       15,000
                                                        2,32,500       71,150      3.268      Anti-Dilutive

        Since diluted earnings per share is increased when taking the convertible preference shares into account (Rs.
        2.939 to Rs. 3.268), the convertible preference shares are anti-dilutive and are ignored in the calculation of
        diluted earnings per share for the year ended 31st March, 20X2. Therefore, diluted earnings per share for the
        year ended 31st March, 20X2 is Rs. 2.939.

        Working Note:

        Calculation of incremental earnings per share and allocation of rank
                                                            Increase in  Increase in   Earnings per   Rank
                                                            earnings    number of    incremental
                                                                        equity shares  share (3) = (1)
                                                                    (1)          (2)  ÷ (2)

                                                                    Rs.                         Rs.
               Increase in earnings                                 Nil
               No. of incremental shares issued for no
               consideration                                                     150            Nil    1
               [900 x (90-75)/90]
               Convertible Preference Shares
               Increase  in  net  profit  attributable  to  equity   67,500
               shareholders as adjusted by attributable dividend tax
               [(Rs. 9 x 7,500) + 8% (Rs. 9 x 7,500)]
               No. of incremental shares (2 x 7,500)                           15,000          4.50    3
               10% Convertible Debentures
               Increase in net profit                            75,000
               [(Rs. 10,00,000 x 10% x (1 – 0.25)]
               No. of incremental shares (10,000 x 4)                         40,000          1.875    2

        Solution 2

        (a) (i) (a) Calculation of operating cycle
                            Period of manufacturing the aircraft                            9
                            Credit period for settlement of delivery amount                  7
        Hence, the length of the operating cycle will be 16 month.

             (b) Since the inventory and debtors will be realised within normal operating cycle, i.e., 16 months, both
                 the inventory as well as debtors should be classified as current.
        (ii) Charming Ltd must present Rs. 80,000 accrued interest and Rs. 1,00,000 current portion of the non-
             current bond (i.e. the portion repayable on 1st April, 20X4) as current liabilities. The Rs. 9,00,000 due
             later than 12 months after the end of the reporting period shall be presented as a non-current liability.

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