Page 4 - 34.2 FR MARCH 22 MTP ANSWER
P. 4

Issue 5 : Intangible assets:
              Accounting Standards        Ind AS                               Impact on Company’s
              (Erstwhile IGAAP)                                                financial statements

              The   useful   life   of   an  The  useful  life  of  an  intangible  asset  Consequently, there would be no
              intangible  asset  cannot  be  like  brand/trademark  can  be  indefinite.  impact  as  on  the  date  of
              indefinite   under   IGAAP  Not  required  to  be  amortised  and  only  transition since company intends
              principles.   The   Company  tested  for  impairment.  Company  can  to  use  the  carrying  amount
              amortised brand/trademark on  avail the exemption given in Ind AS 101  instead of book value at the date
              a  straight  line  basis  over  as on the date of transition to use the  of transition.
              maximum  of  10  years  as  per  carrying value as per previous GAAP.
              AS 26.

        Issue 6: Deferred tax
                    Accounting Standards        Ind AS                      Impact   on Company’s
                    (Erstwhile IGAAP)                                       financial statements
                    As per AS, deferred taxes are  As per Ind AS, deferred taxes  On  date  of  transition  to  Ind
                    accounted  as  per  income  are accounted as per balance  AS,  deferred  tax  liability
                    statement approach.         sheet approach.             would  be  increased  by  Rs.

                                         Journal Entry on the date of transition

                      Particulars                                          Debit (Rs.)   Credit (Rs.)
                      Retained earnings                          Dr.           25,000
                             To Deferred tax liability                                        25,000

        (b)  (i) Basic Earnings per share
                                                                                 Year ended 31.3.20X2
                     Net profit attributable to equity shareholders    (A)                  Rs. 90,000

                     Number of equity shares outstanding               (B)                     16,000
                     Earnings per share                                (A/B)                Rs. 5.625
        (ii) Diluted earnings per share
        Options  are  most  dilutive  as  their  earnings  per  incremental  share  is  nil.  Hence,  for  the  purpose  of
        computation of diluted earnings per share, options will be considered first. 10% convertible debentures being
        second most dilutive will be considered next and thereafter convertible preference shares will be considered
        (as per W.N.).

                                                       Net profit     No. of     Net Profit
                                                     attributable to   equity   attributable
                                                         equity       shares     per share
                                                      shareholders                  Rs.

                       Net profit attributable to equity   90,000     16,000       5.625
                       Options                                          150
                                                         90,000       16,150       5.572        Dilutive

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