Page 3 - 34.2 FR MARCH 22 MTP ANSWER
P. 3

Journal Entry on the date of transition
                       Particulars                                          Debit (Rs.)  Credit (Rs.)

                       Investment in mutual funds                 Dr.          1,00,000
                              To Retained earnings                                          1,00,000

        Issue 3: Borrowings - Processing fees/transaction cost:
                     Accounting Standards    Ind AS                          Impact on Company’s
                     (Erstwhile IGAAP)                                       financial statements

                     As    per   AS,   such  As per Ind AS, such expenditure is  Fair value as on the date
                     expenditure  is  charged  amortised  over  the  period  of  the  of   transition   is   Rs.
                     to   Profit   and   loss  loan.                         1,80,000  as  against  its
                     account or capitalised as  Ind  AS  101  states  that  if  it  is  book   value   of   Rs.
                     the case may be         impracticable  for  an  entity  to  2,00,000.
                                             apply  retrospectively  the  effective  Accordingly,   the
                                             interest method in Ind AS 109, the  difference  of  Rs.  20,000
                                             fair value of the financial asset or  is   adjusted   through
                                             the  financial  liability  at  the  date  Retained Earnings.
                                             of  transition  to  Ind  AS  shall  be
                                             the new gross carrying amount of
                                             that  financial  asset  or  the  new
                                             amortised  cost  of  that  financial

                                         Journal Entry on the date of transition
                      Particulars                                          Debit (Rs.)   Credit (Rs.)
                      Borrowings / Loan payable                  Dr.            20,000
                             To Retained earnings                                             20,000

        Issue 4: Proposed dividend:
                      Accounting Standards    Ind AS                     Impact    on Company’s
                      (Erstwhile IGAAP)                                  financial statements
                      As  per  AS,  provision  for  As  per  Ind  AS,  liability  for  Since   dividend   should   be
                      proposed  divided  is  made  proposed   dividend   is  deducted from retained earnings
                      in  the  year  when  it  has  recognised  in  the  year  in  during  the  year  when  it  has
                      been    declared    and  which  it  has  been  declared  been  declared  and  approved.
                      approved.               and approved.              Therefore, the provision declared
                                                                         for  preceding  year  should  be
                                                                         reversed  (to  rectify  the  wrong
                                                                         entry). Retained earnings would
                                                                         increase  proportionately  due  to
                                                                         such adjustment
                                         Journal Entry on the date of transition
                      Particulars                                          Debit (Rs.)   Credit (Rs.)
                      Provisions                                 Dr.            30,000
                             To Retained earnings                                             30,000

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