Page 7 - 34.2 FR MARCH 22 MTP ANSWER
P. 7

  Previous GAAP revaluation, if such revaluation was, at the date of revaluation, broadly comparable to (a)
             fair value or (b) cost or depreciated cost in accordance with other Ind AS adjusted to reflect changes in
             general  or  specific  price index.  This  measurement  option  can  be  applied on  an  item-by-item basis  in

             similar fashion as explained above.
        Analysis of given case:
                                  Asset 1              Asset 2              Asset 3              Asset 4
            Basis used in     Revaluation Model    Revaluation Model       Cost Model          Cost Model
            previous GAAP
            Intent  of        To continue with        Use previous      Adopt a policy of   Continue to use a policy
            G Ltd. On         Revaluation model   Valuation as deemed cost   revaluation   of cost less depreciation
            Treatment at    Since fair value at the  An entity     may elect to Fair value at the date   The entity is not
            the time of     transition date is not   measure an  item of   of transition to Ind  availing any exemption
            transition to Ind   materially different   property, plant and       AS is    given in Ind AS 101. The
            AS                from its carrying   equipment at the date of  materially different   entity can measure
                                     value under   transition to Ind AS at  from its carrying value   applying Ind AS 16
                            previous GAAP, G Ltd.   its fair value and use   under previous GAAP.  retrospectively. It is
                            Can carry forward with   that fair value as its       The         assumed that
                            revalued carrying value   deemed cost at that   asset should be   measurement bases for
                           Rs. 4,000 as per previous   date. In Ind AS     revalued and stated at  cost of asset as per
                            GAAP in Ind AS books   financial statements,   its fair value of Rs.  previous GAAP and Ind
                           and continue to disclose  asset will  be carried   5,000 on the date of  AS are same so asset
                             a revaluation surplus  forward at Rs. 1,500 and transition to Ind AS. A  will be shown in the
                                ofRs. 2,500.       previously disclosed   revaluation surplus  of   Ind AS financial
                                                revaluation surplus     Rs.    3,000 (5,000     statements at Rs.
                                                is transferred to retained     –                 2,800.
                                                   earnings or another    2,000) will be
                                                  component of equity.    transferred to

        Solution 3

        (a) Allocation of corporate assets
        The carrying amount of land is allocated to the carrying amount of each individual cash generating unit. A
        weighted allocation basis is used because the estimated remaining useful life of Train’s cash-generating unit

        is 10 years, whereas the estimated remaining useful lives of
        Railway station and Railway tracks’s cash-generating units are 20 years.
                                                                                           (Rs. in crore)
                 Particulars                    Train        Railway station   Railway tracks     Total

                 Carrying amount (a)             1,500            2,250             3,300         7,050
                 Useful life                   10 years          20 years         20 years         -
                 Weight    based   on             1                 2                2             -
                 useful life
                 Carrying amount (after          1,500            4,500             6,600        12,600
                 assigning weight)

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