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P. 106

Part 3-SA 315 (RISK)

        QNO      Significant Risk                                              Old Course – (M15R, N18E, N20E)
        38.000   TITANIUM CNO—SA315.060
                 Explain, how an auditor may determine, while doing Risk Assessment, whether any risk is a significant risk
        Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                     ▪  SA  315, Identifying And Assessing The Risk Of Material Misstatement Through Understanding The

                        Entity And Its Environment
                 Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                    ➢   Significant Risk Definition: - Assessed RMM which in auditor’s judgement require special
                        audit  consideration  /  it  is  part  of  identifying  and  assessing  risk  /  exclude  effect  of
                        identified controls.
                        Significant risk is an identified and assessed risk of material misstatement that, in the auditor’s
                        judgment, requires special audit consideration.

                        As part of the risk assessment, the auditor shall determine whether any of the risks identified are,
                        in the auditor’s judgment, a significant risk. In exercising this judgment, the auditor shall exclude the
                        effects of identified controls related to the risk.

                    ➢   Factors useful in determining significant Risk
                        Agar (CFO-CSR) karge toh it is significant risk to society
                        Changes legal, economic, accounting / risk of Fraud / Outside normal course of business
                        / Complexity / Subjectivity / Related party
                                C-Whether  the  risk  is  related  to  recent  significant  economic,  accounting,  or  other
                               developments like changes in regulatory environment, etc., and, therefore, requires specific
                               attention; (AS to Ind AS)
                                F-Whether the risk is a risk of fraud; (Mismatch in Cash Balance)
                                0-Whether the risk involves significant transactions that are outside the normal course of
                               business for the entity, or that otherwise appear to be unusual. (E.g. Sold 50% of Inventory
                               to Employees instead of Salary of the month)
                                C-The  complexity  of  transactions;(E.g.  2  group  companies  will  demerge  to  form  10
                               companies and out of them 3 will amalgamate to form a new company which will be bank
                                S-The degree of subjectivity in the measurement of financial information related to the risk,
                               especially those measurements involving a wide range of measurement uncertainty; and
                               (E.g. Brand valuation can change from person to person)
                                R-Whether  the  risk  involves  significant  transactions  with  related  parties;  (Major  Sales
                               happen through subsidiaries registered in Tax Haven)

                    ➢   Obtain understanding of relevant controls to understand effect on FST
                                When the auditor has determined that a significant risk exists, the auditor shall obtain an
                               understanding of the entity’s controls, including control activities, relevant to that risk.

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