Page 101 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 101

In order to achieve proper internal control over the sale of tickets and its collection by Funtoosh
                        Ltd., following system should be adopted-

                                                      5    Surprise Check

                                       1              Advance Booking        2             Enterance
                                Printing Tickets              Ticket Sale                   Ticket

                                                                 Discount/Free Pass

                                                                     Cash Deposit in
                                                     Cash Reconcile
                                                                   3      Bank
                                Printing of tickets: Serially numbered pre-printed tickets to avoid duplication to prevent
                               forgery. Non-repetition of serial no. for reasonable period.
                                   •   Advance booking: System shall ensure that all advance booked tickets are paid for.
                                   •   Ticket  sales: Sale  of  tickets should take  place from the Central ticket office  ,
                                       preferably through machines
                                   •   Discounts and free pass: Discount policy should be properly authorized and such
                                       authorization should be preserved
                                   •   Daily cash reconciliation: Cash collection should be reconciled with the number
                                       of tickets sold. Serial number of tickets will facilitate the reconciliation.
                                   •   Daily  banking:  Each  day’s  collection  should  be  deposited  in  the  bank  on  next
                                       working  day.  Cash  should  be  in  the  custody  of  properly  authorized  person,
                                       preferably  in  joint  custody.  Daily  cash  in  hand  report  should  be  signed  by  the
                                       authorized persons.

                                Entrance ticket: Entrance tickets should be cancelled at the entrance gate
                                Surprise check: Internal audit system should carry out periodic surprise checks for cash
                               counts, daily banking, reconciliation and stock of unsold tickets etc
                 Author’s Note
                 In the Institute’s answer each point was an individual point by itself .However in order to give a better
                 picture for the sake of understanding the points:
                 -A diagram has been created and
                 -Points have been rearranged in the order of the diagram

        QNO      Five Components as per COSO & Three Objectives                           Old Course – (N20E)
        175.500  TITANIUM CNO—MRI.600

                 Explain the concept of Integrated framework issued by Committee of the Sponsoring Organisations of the
                 Treadway Commission (COSO Framework) duly mentioning its four out of five components and discuss the
                 three category of objectives that can be achieved as per COSO framework.
        Answer  Concept of COSO:
                 COSO’s  Internal  Control  –  Integrated  Framework  was  introduced  in  1992  as  guidance  on  how  to
                 establish  better  controls  so  companies  can  achieve  their  objectives.  COSO  categorizes  entity-level
                 objectives into operations, financial reporting, and compliance. The framework includes more than 20
                 basic principles representing the fundamental concepts associated with its five components: control
                 environment,  risk  assessment,  control  activities,  information  and  communication,  and  monitoring.
                 Some  of  the  principles  include  key  elements  for  compliance,  such  as  integrity  and  ethical  values,
                 authorities and responsibilities, policies and procedures, and reporting deficiencies.

                 Five Components of COSO are as follows:
                 (i) Control Environment

                 (ii) Risk Assessment                                                      PARAM                               4.18 | P a g e
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