Page 104 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 104

examples of matters to be considered while determining `significant deficiency' in internal control with
                 reference to relevant SA.
                 During the course of the audit of Tirthankara Limited, CA. Shreyansh Manager in the audit team identified
                 that  there  is  significant  risk  in  lease  transactions  due  to  complex  cross-border  sale  and  lease  back
                 arrangements. This significant risk or risk of material misstatement was not identified in management's
                 risk  assessment  process.  Upon  various  inquiries  with  Management  regarding  their  risk  assessment
                 process, it was identified and concluded by the audit team that the management's risk assessment process
                 is not effective to identify all the significant risks. CA. Shreyansh decided that this in combination with
                 other potential deficiencies in internal control constitutes significant deficiencies in internal control and
                 hence, is required to be communicated to those charged with governance. However, the engagement
                 partner had a different view regarding the audit of Tirthankara Limited. According to him, the only matter
                 that  is  identified  and  poses  significant  deficiencies  due  to  their  magnitude  is  only  required  to  be
                 communicated. Matters of potential misstatements that are not actual misstatements cannot be termed
                 as significant deficiencies. You are required to guide CA. Shreyansh with respect to examples of matters
                 that the  auditor  may  consider  in  determining whether  a  deficiency  or  combination  of  deficiencies  in
                 internal control constitutes a significant deficiency.
        Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                     ▪  SA 265, Communicating Deficiencies in Internal Control to Those who Charged with Governance and

                 Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                     ➢  Definition:  -  Significant  Deficiency:  -  Deficiency  or  combination  of  deficiency,  as  per
                        auditor’s judgement is important enough to be brought to attention of TCWG
                        Significant deficiency in internal control means a deficiency or combination of deficiencies in internal
                        control that, in the auditor’s professional judgment, is of sufficient importance to merit the attention
                        of those charged with governance.

                     ➢  Only  occurrence  of  material  misstatement  is  not  must  to  decide  whether  deficiency  is
                        significant deficiency, even if there is likelihood of MMST it will be significant deficiency
                        The significance of a deficiency or a combination of deficiencies in internal control depends not only
                        on whether a misstatement has actually occurred, but also on the likelihood that a misstatement
                        could  occur  and  the  potential  magnitude  of  the  misstatement.  Significant  deficiencies  may
                        therefore exist even though the auditor has not identified misstatements during the audit.

                                Examples  of  matters  which  should  be  considered  while  deciding  significant
                               (Very Amazing FLOSS)
                               Volume of activity / Amounts exposed / Frequency of the exceptions Detected &
                               its  Causes  /  Likelihood  of  the  deficiencies  /  Other  deficiencies  interacting  /
                               Susceptibility to loss or fraud of the related asset or liability / Subjectivity and
                               complexity of determining estimated amounts
                               Examples of matters that the auditor may consider in determining whether deficiency or
                               combination of deficiencies in internal control constitutes a significant deficiency include:
                                   •   The Volume of activity that has occurred or could occur in the account balance or
                                       class of transactions exposed to the deficiency or deficiencies. (Coal is purchased 5
                                       times in a week, wooden blocks are purchased once a week)
                                   •  The financial statement Amounts exposed to the deficiencies. (Coal accounts for
                                       80% of fuel while wooden blocks account for 5% of fuel)
                                   •  The cause and Frequency of the exceptions detected as a result of the deficiencies
                                       in the controls. (Already 5 instances of fraud detected in coal)
                                   •  The Likelihood of the deficiencies (Probability) leading to material misstatements
                                       in the financial statements in the future. (Chances of misstatement is higher in
                                       purchase of coal as compared to wooden blocks)
                                   •  The interaction of the deficiency with Other deficiencies in internal control. (There
                                       is fixed policy of coal quality assessment & there is no experienced, knowledgeable
                                       supervisor also)

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