Page 102 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 102

(iii) Control Activities

                 (iv) Information and Communication

                 (v) Monitoring

                 The COSO Framework is designed to be used by organizations to assess the effectiveness of the system
                 of internal control to achieve objectives as determined by management.  The Framework lists three
                 categories of objectives as below:

                 1  Operations  Objectives  –  related  to  the  effectiveness  and  efficiency  of  the  entity’s  operations,
                 including operational and financial performance goals, and safeguarding assets against loss.

                 2  Reporting  Objectives  –  related  to  internal  and  external  financial  and  non-financial  reporting  to
                 stakeholders,  which  would  encompass  reliability,  timeliness,  transparency,  or  other  terms  as
                 established by regulators, standard setters, or the entity’s policies.

                 3 Compliance objectives – In the Framework, the compliance objective was described as “relating to
                 the entity’s compliance with applicable laws and regulations.” The Framework considers the increased
                 demands and complexities in laws, regulations, and accounting standards.

        QNO      Checklist for IFCR Over C&B                                             Old Course – (M22E)
        175.600  TITANIUM CNO—MRI.560
                 Mr. K has been appointed as statutory auditor of SK Limited for issuing an audit opinion  on financial
                 statements and internal controls over financial reporting (ICFR) for the year ended March 31, 2022 under
                 the Companies Act, 2013. Guide Mr. K to prepare a checklist in the form of questions for testing internal
                 control over cash and bank balances. When forming an opinion on ICFR is it necessary for Mr. K to test the
                 transactions only at the balance sheet date?
        Answer  In the given case of SK Limited, the appointed auditor Mr. K would prepare checklist for testing internal
                 control over cash and bank balances. An illustrative set of questions to be answered by the audit staff
                 is as follows:
                 Have you checked that the cashier –

                     (i)    is not responsible for opening the incoming mails;
                     (ii)   does not authorise any of the ledgers;
                     (iii)   does not authorise any expenditure or receipt;
                     (iv)   does not sign cheques;
                     (v)    takes his annual leave regularly;
                     (vi)   inks and balances the cash book every day;
                     (vii)   verifies physical cash balance with the book figure daily at the end of the day;
                     (viii)   prepares monthly bank reconciliation statement;
                     (ix)   holds no other funds or investment;
                     (x)    holds no unnecessary balance in hand;
                     (xi)   does  not  pay  money  without  looking  into  compliance  with  proper  procedure  and  due
                            authorisation; and
                     (xii)   has tendered proper security or has executed a fidelity bond?

                 In  the  given  situation,  Mr.  K  is  Statutory  Auditor  of  SK  Limited  for  issuing  opinion  on  financial
                 statements and internal control over financial reporting. He should surely test transactions during the
                 financial year and not just as at the balance sheet date, though the extent of testing at or near the
                 balance sheet date may be higher. From the discussion given above, it can be concluded that it would
                 not be necessary for Mr. K to test the transactions only at the balance sheet date.

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