Page 11 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 11

•  Indications of an inappropriate limitation in the scope of work.
                              •  Indications that the client might be involved in money laundering or other criminal activities
                              •  The  reasons  for  the  proposed  appointment  of  the  firm  and  non-reappointment  of  the
                                 previous firm.

                          The extent of knowledge a firm will have regarding the integrity of a client will generally grow within
                          the context of an ongoing relationship with that client.

           QNO     Competence Issues During Audit                                           Old Course – (N22E)
            127.550  TITANIUM CNO -- SQC.180
                   AP & Associates, Chartered Accountants, are Statutory Auditors of XP Limited for the last four years. XP
                   Limited  is  engaged  in  the  manufacture  and  marketing  of  FMCG  Goods  in  India.  During  2021-22,  the
                   Company has diversified and commenced providing software solutions in the area of "e-commerce" in
                   India as well as in certain European countries. AP & Associates, while carrying out the audit for the current

                   financial year, came to know that the company has expanded its operations into a new segment as well
                   as new geography. AP & Associates does not possess necessary expertise and infrastructure to carry out
                   the audit of this diversified business activities and accordingly wishes to withdraw from the engagement
                   and client relationship. Discuss the issues that need to be addressed before deciding to withdraw.
                   Acceptance and Continuance of Client Relationships and Specific Engagements: As per SQC 1, “Quality
                   Control for Firms that Perform Audit and Reviews of Historical Financial Information, and other Assurance
                   and Related Services Engagements”, the firm should establish policies and procedures for the acceptance
                   and continuance of client relationships and specific engagements, designed to provide it with reasonable
                   assurance that it will undertake or continue relationships and engagements only where it is competent to
                   perform the engagement and has the capabilities, time and resources to do so.

                   In the given case, AP & Associates, Chartered Accountants, statutory auditors of XP Limited for the last four
                   years, came to know that the company has expanded its operations into a new segment as well as new
                   geography. AP & Associates does not possess necessary expertise for the same, therefore, AP & Associates
                   wish to withdraw from the engagement and client relationship. Policies and procedures on withdrawal from
                   an engagement or from both the engagement and the client relationship address issues that include the

                       •  Discussing  with  the  appropriate  level  of  the  client’s  management  and  those  charged  with  its
                          governance regarding the appropriate action that the firm might take based on the relevant facts
                          and circumstances.

                       •  If the firm determines that it is appropriate to withdraw, discussing with the appropriate level of the
                          client’s management and those charged with its governance withdrawal from the engagement or
                          from both the engagement and the client relationship, and the reasons for the withdrawal.

                       •  Considering whether there is a professional, regulatory or legal requirement for the firm to remain
                          in  place,  or  for  the  firm  to  report  the  withdrawal  from  the  engagement,  or  from  both  the
                          engagement and the client relationship, together with the reasons for the withdrawal, to regulatory

                       •  Documenting significant issues, consultations, conclusions and the basis for the conclusions.
                    AP & Associates should address the above issues before deciding to withdraw.

          QNO      Review (Procedures) & Rotation of Partner as per SQC-1             Old Course – (M21E,N22M)
          127.600  TITANIUM CNO -- SQC.120
                   HK & Co. Chartered Accountants have been auditors of SAT Ltd (a listed entity) for the Last 8 financial
                   years. CA. H, partner of the firm, has been handling the audit assignment very well since the appointment.
                   The audit work of CA. H and her team is reviewed by a senior partner CA. K to assure that audit is performed
                   in accordance with professional standards and regulatory and legal requirements. CA. K was out of India
                   for some personal reasons, so this year CA. G has been asked to review the audit work. In your opinion,                                                      PARAM                               1.4 | P a g e
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