Page 223 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 223

3. Case Discussion: Discuss Case.
                   4. Conclusion: Draft Paragraph

                      Basis of Accounting and Restriction on Distribution and Use Without modifying our opinion, we draw
                      attention to Note A to the financial statements, which describes the basis of accounting. The financial
                      statements are prepared to assist the company to comply with the financial reporting provisions of the
                      contract referred to above. As a result, the financial statements may not be suitable for another purpose.
                      Our report is intended solely for X Ltd. and Y Ltd. and should not be distributed to or used by parties other
                      than X Ltd. And Y Ltd.

          QNO      Signing multiple Reports                                               New Course – (SM23)
          800.300  TITANIUM CNO-- Unique
                   CA Lalita is auditor of a company. She is also offered professional work of audit of financial statements
                   prepared specifically for meeting requirements of a loan agreement for the same period. She chooses to
                   accept work and has made up her mind to disclose this fact in “Othe r matter Paragraph” in audit report
                   to be issued by her for this specific engagement. Is her approach proper?
          Answer     1. SA 800 & SA 706: Reference to SA 800 & SA 706, its full name & its applicable in the given scenario.
                     2. Concept: SA 800 - There is no restriction on auditor’s other than Auditors of General purpose FST
                       framework to accept audit of special purpose FST.
                       SA 706 - Reporting on more than one set of financial - statements An entity may prepare one set
                       of  financial  statements  in  accordance  with  a  general  purpose  framework  (e.g.,  the  national
                       framework) and another set of financial statements in accordance with another general purpose
                       framework (e.g., International Financial Reporting Standards), and engage the auditor to report on
                       both sets of financial statements. If the auditor has determined that the frameworks are acceptable
                       in  the  respective  circumstances,  the  auditor  may  include  an  Other  Matter  paragraph  in  the
                       auditor’s report, referring to the fact that another set of financial statements has been prepared
                       by the same entity in accordance with another general-purpose framework and that the auditor
                       has issued a report on those financial statements.
                     3. Case Discussion: Discuss Case.
                     4. Conclusion: She can accept such audit & disclose in other Matter Paragraph.

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