Page 225 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 225

c) The specific element does not constitute a major portion of the entity’s complete set of financial
                   3. Case Discussion: Discuss Case.
                   4. Conclusion: He can express an unmodified opinion on trade receivables if above conditions are satisfied.

          QNO      Doing different audits                                                 New Course – (SM23)
          805.300  TITANIUM CNO-- Unique
                   CA M. Surya is auditor for financial statements of an entity prepared in accordance with financial reporting
                   provisions  of  a  contract.  He  is  also  offered  audit  of  trade  receivables  appearing  in  above  financial
                   statements.  Can  he  accept  such  engagement?  Discuss  brief  outline  of  his  audit  approach  in  such  a
          Answer  1. SA 800 & 805: Reference to SA 800 & 805, its full name & its applicable in the given scenario.
                   2. Concept: SA 800: As per SA 800 there are no restriction on auditor of general purpose FST accepting audit
                      of special purpose FST. Single FST can be as per general purpose or special purpose framework.
                      SA 805: As per SA 805 there is no restriction on auditor of complete set accepting audit of single FST,
                      element, accounts or items of FST.
                      Infact it is good thing as per both SAs.
                   3. Case Discussion: Discuss Case.
                   4. Conclusion:  In  above  case  auditor  is  doing  audit  element  of  FST  prepared  as  per  special  purpose
                      framework so he needs to ensure both SA 800 & SA 805 should be complied with.

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