Page 227 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 227

of opinion.
                   2B. Describe: Describe the basis for that adverse opinion or disclaimer of opinion.
                   2C. Inappropriateness to Express Opinion: State that, as a result of the adverse opinion or disclaimer
                   of opinion, it is inappropriate to express an opinion on the summary financial statements. (Denial Of

                                                                                          New Course – (SM23)
                   Impact Of Qualified Opinion on Complete Set on Report on Summary
          810.400   Financial Statement
                   TITANIUM CNO-- SA 810.100

                   Consider that the audit report on financial statements issued by CA Madhur for above said company
                   contains qualified opinion. Can he issue an unmodified opinion on summary financial statements derived
                   from audited financial statements? Discuss.
          Answer     1. SA 810: Reference to SA 810, its full name & its applicable in the given scenario.
                     2. Concept: (CNO SA- 810.100) Modifications to the Opinion, EMP or OMP in the Auditor’s Report on the
                       Audited Financial Statements
                       1. Situation: When the auditor’s report on the audited financial statements contains a qualified opinion,
                       an Emphasis of Matter paragraph, or an Other Matter paragraph, but the auditor is satisfied that the
                       summary financial statements are consistent, in all material respects, with or are a fair summary of the
                       audited financial statements, in accordance with the applied criteria.
                       2A.  State Situation:  The  auditor’s report  on  the  summary  financial  statements  shall  state  that  the
                       auditor’s report on the audited financial statements contains a qualified opinion, an Emphasis of Matter
                       paragraph, or an Other Matter paragraph.
                       2B. Describe: Describe the basis for the qualified opinion on the audited financial statements, and that
                       qualified opinion; or the Emphasis of Matter or the Other Matter paragraph in the auditor’s report on
                       the audited financial statements.
                       2C. Effect on Summary Financial Statements: Describe the effect thereof on the summary financial
                       statements, if any.

                     3. Case Discussion: Discuss Case.
                     4. Conclusion: CA Madhur can report on summary as discussed above.

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