Page 228 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 228

Part 1 – SA 4400

          QNO      AUP Assignment                                                         New Course – (M23R)
          4400.100 TITANIUM CNO-- SRS4400.020
                   CA  P  is  the  auditor  of  Master  Data  Ltd.  for  the  year  2021-22.  The  company  requests  the  auditor  to
                   undertake an exercise involving only verification of trade receivables for half year ending 30th September
                   2021. The company wants to be satisfied that trade receivables are properly confirmed and reconciled.
                   In this regard, CA P has to verify the arithmetical accuracy of trade receivables, obtain confirmation of
                   trade receivables and ensure verification of proper reconciliations with confirmations.

                   He is in a dilemma as to whether he can give a report providing assurance to the company in this respect.
                   Guide CA P with reasoning. Assume that above exercise can be undertaken and there is no legal bar.
          Answer  In the given case situation, auditor has to verify trade receivables for half year ending 30  September,2021.
                   Such a process/exercise is only a fact finding and reporting exercise. The auditor has to report the facts as
                   these are. Like, he would have to state whether confirmation from a particular debtor has been received or

                   The auditor can issue an assurance report in case of audit and review engagements. By providing assurance,
                   the auditor provides comfort to users of financial statements. Assurance in the above context refers to the
                   auditor's satisfaction as to the reliability of an assertion made by one party for use by another. To provide
                   such  assurance,  the  auditor  assesses  the  evidence  collected  as  a  result  of  procedures  conducted  and
                   expresses a conclusion. The degree of satisfaction achieved and, therefore, the level of assurance which may
                   be provided is determined by the procedures performed and their results.
                   However, the types of services described in the given situation falls in the related services domain. These
                   are, in the nature, of agreed-upon procedures to be carried out by the auditor. The auditor cannot issue an
                   assurance report while providing such kind of services. He can only issue a report stating facts as they are
                   without providing any sort of assurance. He can report only facts.

                   Therefore, the auditor cannot give a report providing assurance for such type of services. He can only issue
                   a factual report.

          QNO      Assurance V/s Related services                                         New Course – (SM23)
          4400.200 TITANIUM CNO-- SRS 4400.020
                   How do “related services” differ from assurance engagements?

          Answer  Audit Vs. Agreed-upon Procedures
                   Assurance: A key difference between an audit and agreed-upon procedures relates to assurance. An audit
                   expresses an opinion and provides assurance to users. However, in an agreed-procedures engagement, only
                   a report of the factual findings of agreed-upon procedures is provided. No assurance is given to users in an
                   agreed upon procedures engagement. Instead, users draw their own conclusions based on factual findings
                   stated in the report.
                   Example: For example, an engagement to evaluate the validity of accounts payable may involve comparing
                   names of major suppliers and amounts outstanding to the trial balance, obtaining supplier statements or
                   confirmations, and comparing these to the amounts in the trial balance. Further, actual findings like variation
                   in balances reflected in trial balance and statements or confirmations are given. The actual findings are
                   reported as such without providing an assurance.

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