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Part 2 SA 4410

                                                                                          New Course – (SM23)
          QNO      Ethical Requirements & Independence in Compilation Engagement
          4410.100 TITANIUM CNO-- SRS 4410.020

                   A Chartered Accountant is offered appointment for a compilation engagement to be performed under SRS
                   4410. Is he required to comply with ethical requirements of Code of Ethics? Discuss briefly
          Answer  Compliance with Code of Ethics: The auditor should comply with the Code of Ethics, issued by the Institute
                   of  Chartered  Accountants  of  India.  The  ethical  principles  governing  the  auditor’s  professional
                   for  this  type  of  engagement  include  integrity,  objectivity,  professional  competence  and  due  care,
                   confidentiality, professional conduct, and technical standards.

                   Independence  Not  a  Requirement:  Independence  is  not  a  requirement  for  agreed-upon  procedures
                   engagement. However, the terms or objective of the engagement may require the auditor to comply with
                   the independence requirements of the Code of Ethics.

                   Statement on Lack of Independence: Where the auditor is not independent, a statement to that effect
                   should be made in the report of factual findings.

          QNO      Purposes of “compilation engagement”                                   New Course – (SM23)
          4410.200 TITANIUM CNO-- SRS 4410.020

                   List out few intended purposes of a “compilation engagement.
          Answer  Mandatory  periodic  financial  reporting:  Financial  information  that  is  the  subject  of  a  compilation
                   engagement may be required for various purposes including to comply with mandatory periodic financial
                   reporting requirements established in law or regulation, if any.

                   Other Purposes: Financial information may also be required for purposes unrelated to mandatory financial
                   reporting under relevant law or regulation, including for example,

                       •  For  internal  use:  For  management  or  those  charged  with  governance,  prepared  on  a  basis
                          appropriate for their particular purposes (such as preparation of financial information for internal
                       •  For external parties: The information can be used for periodic financial reporting undertaken for
                          external parties under a contract or other form of agreement, such as financial information provided
                          to a funding body to support provision or continuation of a grant.
                       •  • Transactional Purposes: It may also be used for transactional purposes, for example to support a
                          transaction involving changes to the entity’s ownership or financing structure, such as for a merger
                          or acquisition.

          QNO      Inaccurate Accounting Treatment                                        New Course – (SM23)
          4410.300 TITANIUM CNO-- SRS 4410.060
                   During the course of performing a compilation engagement in accordance with SRS 4410, it becomes
                   known to you that client had suffered a theft loss of ₹ 100 lacs of its inventories over a period of time at a
                   storage location visited infrequently. A claim was lodged by the client with insurance company which was
                   repudiated due to certain technical reasons relating to coverage of policy. The client has not preferred a
                   complaint or an appeal against said repudiation. The amount is reflected under the head “current assets”
                   in trial balance of the client. Discuss, how you should proceed to deal with the matter?
          Answer  In this instant case, amount of ₹ 100 lacs is reflected under the head “current assets” in trial balance. Since
                   client’s claim has been repudiated and no appeal has been preferred, it is a loss for the client and should be

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