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should  pay  particular  attention  to  the  determination  of  pre-acquisition  reserves  of  the
                          components.  Date(s)  of  investment  in  components  assumes  importance  in  this  regard.  The
                          auditor  should  also  examine  whether  the  pre-acquisition  reserves  have  been  allocated
                          appropriately between the parent and the minority interests/ non-controlling interests of the
                          subsidiary.  The  auditor  should  also  verify  the  changes  that  might  have  taken  place  in  these
                          permanent  consolidation  adjustments  on  account  of  subsequent  acquisition  of  shares  in  the
                          components, disposal of the components in the subsequent years.

                       ➢  Netting off of Goodwill & Capital Reserves
                          It may happen that while working out the permanent consolidation adjustments, in the case of
                          one subsidiary, goodwill arises and in the case of another subsidiary a capital reserve arises. The
                          parent  may  choose to  net off  these  amounts to  disclose  a  single  amount  in the  consolidated
                          balance sheet where permitted by the applicable financial reporting framework. In such cases, the
                          auditor  should  verify  that  the  gross  amounts  of  goodwill  and  capital  reserves  arising  on
                          acquisition of various subsidiaries have been disclosed in the notes to the consolidated financial
                          statements to reflect the excess/shortage over the parents’ portion of the subsidiary’s equity

                   Current Consolidation Adjustment Old Course – (M09E, M11R, M14R, M14E, M16R, SM17, PM17, SM21,
          QNO      TITANIUM CNO— GA.240                                                                 M21E)
                                                                                           New Course – (SM23)
                   While  doing  the  audit  of  consolidated  Financial  Statements,  which  current  period  consolidation
                   adjustments are to be taken into account?

          Answer       ➢  Current Period Consolidation Adjustments
                          Current  period  adjustments  are  those  adjustments that  are  made  in  the  accounting  period  for

                          which the consolidation of financial statements is done. Current period consolidation adjustments
                          primarily relate to elimination of intra-group transactions and account balances. While doing the
                          audit of  consolidated Financial Statements, current period consolidation adjustments should be
                          taken into account. The auditor should review the memorandum records to verify the adjustment
                          entries made  in the  preparation  of  consolidated financial  statements.  This  would  also  help the
                          auditor  in  ascertaining  whether  there  is  any  difference  in  the  elimination.  Following  are  the
                          current period consolidation adjustments while making consolidation of financial statements:
                                 (Intra group income / expense)-intra-group interest paid and received, or management
                                 fees, etc.;

                                 (Stock Reserve)- unrealised intra-group profits on assets acquired/ transferred from/ to
                                 other subsidiaries;

                                 (Intra group balances)- intra-group indebtedness;

                                 (Harmonising  accounting  policy)-adjustments  related  to  harmonising  the  different
                                 accounting policies being followed by the parent and its components;

                                 (Subsequent  Events)-adjustments  to  the  financial  statements  (of  the  parent  and  the
                                 components  being  consolidated)  for  recognized  subsequent  events  or  transactions  that
                                 occur  between  the  balance  sheet  date  and  the  date  of  the  auditor’s  report  on  the
                                 consolidated financial statements of the group.

                       ➢  There are two types of subsequent events:
                                 The  first  type  of  subsequent  events  consists  of  events  or  transactions  that  provide
                                 additional evidence about conditions that existed at the date of the financial statements,
                                 including  the  estimates  inherent  in  the  process  of  preparing  financial  statements  (i.e.
                                 adjusting events).

                                 The  second  type  of  subsequent  events  consist  of  events  that  provide  evidence  about
                                 conditions that did not exist at the date of the financial statements but arose subsequent
                                 to that date (i.e. non-adjusting events).

                       ➢  Events occurring after balance sheet date which do not require adjustments would not normally
                          require disclosure, although they may be of such significance that they may require a disclosure in

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