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the  report  of  approving  authority  in  the  case  of  accounting  standards  and  in  the  financial
                          statements in case of Ind AS. For such events, the following shall be disclosed
                                 The nature of the event; and
                                  An estimate of its financial effect or a statement that such an estimate cannot be made
                                 adjustments for the effects of significant transactions or other events that occur between
                                 the  date  of  the  components  balance  sheet  and  not  already  recognised  in  its  financial
                                 statements  and  the  date  of  the  auditor’s  report  on  the  group’s  consolidated  financial
                                 statements when the financial statements of the component to be used for consolidation
                                 are not drawn up to the same balance sheet date as that of the parent;
                                 (Foreign  Component)-In  case  of  a  foreign  component,  adjustments  to  convert  a
                                 component’s audited financial statements prepared under the component’s local GAAP to
                                 the GAAP under which the consolidated financial statements are prepared.
                                 (Minority Interest) - determination of movement in equity attributable to the minorities
                                 interest/no controlling interest since the date of acquisition of the subsidiary.
                                 (Deferred Tax)-adjustments of deferred tax on account of temporary differences arising
                                 out  of  elimination  of  profit  and  losses  resulting  from  intra  group  transactions  and
                                 undistributed  profits  of  the  component  in  case  of  consolidated  financial  statements
                                 prepared under In AS.

          QNO      Harmonising Accounting Policies                                          Old Course – (M18E)
          439.010   UNIQUE
                   H Co. Ltd. is a holding company with two subsidiaries R Co. Ltd., and S Co. Ltd., The H Co. Ltd., adopts
                   straight line method of  depreciation for its assets whereas S Co. Ltd., follows written down value or
                   diminishing value method. Though R Co. Ltd. follows straight line method of depreciation, it does not

                   give effect to component accounting of depreciation in respect of high value assets. While consolidating
                   the financials of the R Co. Ltd., and S Co. Ltd., with those of H Co. Ltd., determine the possible issues that

                   you have to ensure for compliance in the light of above facts
          Answer       ➢  When  the  Component(s)  Auditor  Reports  on  Financial  Statements  under  an  Accounting
                          Framework is Different than that of the Parent:

                                 A component may alternatively prepare financial statements on the basis of the parent’s
                                 accounting policies, as outlined in the group accounting manual.
                                 Group  accounting  manual  would  normally  contain  all  accounting  policies,  including
                                 relevant  disclosure  requirements,  which  are  consistent  with  the  requirements  of  the
                                 financial reporting framework under which the group’s consolidated financial statements
                                 are prepared. The local component auditor can then audit and issue an audit report on
                                 the  components  financial  statements  prepared  in  accordance  with  “group  accounting
                                 When applying this approach of, the principal/parent auditors should perform procedures
                                 necessary  to  determine  compliance  of  the  group  accounting  policies  with  the  GAAP
                                 applicable to the parent’s financial statements.

                       ➢  Ind-AS 8
                                 It  may  be  noted  that  change  in  the  selection  of  the  method  of  depreciation  is  an
                                 accounting estimate and not an accounting policy as per Ind-AS 8.
                                 Accordingly, the entity should select the method that most closely reflects the expected
                                 pattern of consumption of the future economic benefits embodied in the asset.
                                 That method should be applied consistently from period to period unless there is a change
                                 in the expected pattern of consumption of  those  future  economic benefits in separate
                                 financial statements as well as consolidated financial statements.

                          Therefore, there can be  different methods for calculation of  depreciation for its assets, if their
                          expected  pattern  of  consumption  is  different.  The  method  once  selected  in  the  stand-alone
                          financial  statements  of  the  subsidiary  should  not  be  changed  while preparing the  consolidated
                          financial statements.

                    Case Discussion
                       ➢  In  the  given  case,  assets  of  R  Co.  Ltd.  (subsidiary  company)  is  depreciated  using  straight  line
                          method,  assets  of  S  Co.  Ltd.  (subsidiary  company)  are  depreciated  using  written  down  value

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