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method and assets of parent company (H Co. Ltd.) are depreciated using straight line method, is in
                          order.  However,  each  part  of  an  item  of  Property  Plant  and  Equipment  with  a  cost  that  is
                          significant  in  relation  to  the  total  cost  of  the  item  should  be  depreciated  separately  under
                          Component Method of Depreciation as per AS 10 on Property, Plant and Equipment.

                       ➢  Thus, R Co. Ltd., though adopting straight line method but does not giving effect to component
                          accounting of depreciation in respect of high value assets, is not in compliance with Ind AS 16/
                          Accounting Standard 10 Property Plan and Equipment.

                   Responsibility of Parent & Permanent Consolidation     Old Course – (N12E, M16M, SM17, PM17,
          QNO      Adjustment                                                         N17M, N18M, SM21, N21R)
                   TITANIUM CNO— GA.060
                   Briefly  explain  the  responsibility  of  holding  company  for  preparation  of  Consolidated  Financial

          Answer       ➢  The  responsibility  for  the  preparation  and  presentation  of  consolidated  financial  statements,
                          among other things, is that of the management of the parent. This includes:

                                 identifying components, and
                                 obtaining accurate and complete financial information from components; and
                                 GAAP conversion, where applicable.
                                 harmonization of accounting policies and accounting framework; and.
                                 including the financial information of the components to be included in the consolidated
                                 financial statements;
                                 making appropriate consolidation adjustments.
                                 where appropriate, identifying reportable segments for segmental reporting;
                                 identifying related parties and related party transactions for reporting;

                       ➢  Instructions to Component
                          Apart  from  the  above,  the  parent  ordinarily  issues  instructions  to  the  management  of  the
                          component  specifying  the  parent’s  requirements  relating  to  financial  information  of  the
                          components to be included in the consolidated financial statements. The instructions ordinarily
                          cover the accounting policies to be applied, statutory and other disclosure requirements applicable
                          to the parent, including the identification of and reporting on reportable segments, and related
                          parties and related party transactions, and a reporting timetable.

          QNO      Objective, as an Auditor, in the audit of Consolidated Financial Statement   Old Course – (M18E, N19R)
          440.050  TITANIUM CNO— GA.080
                   Deluxe  Ltd.  holds  the  ownership  of  51%  of  voting  power  and  control  over  Executive  Ltd.  Holding
                   company have prepared the consolidated financial statement as required by Sec. 129 of the Companies

                   Act,  2013.  What  will  be  your  objective,  as  an  Auditor,  in  the  audit  of  such  Consolidated  Financial
          Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                       ▪  Section 129 (4) of the Companies Act, 2013

                   Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                       ➢  Objective of the Auditor in the audit of Consolidated Financial Statements
                          As  per  section  129  (4)  of  the  Companies  Act,  2013  the  auditor’s  objectives  in  an  audit  of
                          consolidated financial statements are:

                                 to  satisfy  himself  that  the  consolidated  financial  statements  have  been  prepared  in
                                 accordance with the requirements of applicable financial reporting framework;
                                 to  enable  himself  to  express  an  opinion  on  the  true  and  fair  view  presented  by  the
                                 consolidated financial statements.
                                 to enquire into the matters as specified in section 143(1) of the Companies Act, 2013;and.
                                 to report on the matters given in the clauses (a) to (i) of section 143(3) of the Companies
                                 Act, 2013; for other matters under section 143(3)(j) read with rule 11 of the Companies
                                 (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014, to comment on the matters specified in sub-rule (a),(b)
                                 and  (c),  on  the  basis  of  auditors’  report  of  the  respective  component  to  the  extent
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