Page 305 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
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respect  of  the  company  to  the  concerned  Regional  Office  of  the  Department  of  Nonbanking
                           Supervision of the Bank under whose jurisdiction the registered office of the company is located
                           as  per  first  Schedule  to  the  Non-Banking  Financial  Companies  Acceptance  of  Public  Deposits
                           (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016.

                      ➢  The duty of the Auditor under sub-paragraph (I) shall be to report only the contraventions of the
                         provisions of RBI Act, 1934, and Directions, Guidelines, instructions referred to in sub-paragraph
                         (1) and such report shall not contain any statement with respect to compliance of any of those

          QNO     Frauds-                        Old Course – (M14E, M16M, N16R, N16M, PM17, N17R, N17M, N17E,
          524.000  TITANIUM CNO—NBFC.220                                             N17M, M19R, N18M,N20R)
                  Under what heads can the frauds committed by Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) be classified?
                  Classification of frauds by NBFC.

          Answer      ➢  Classification of Frauds by NBFC (RBI Circular July 2015)
                         In order to have uniformity in reporting, frauds have been classified as under based mainly on the
                         provisions of the Indian Penal Code:
                             •  Misappropriation and criminal breach of trust.
                             •  Negligence and cash shortages.
                             •  Fraudulent encashment through forged instruments, manipulation of books of account or
                                 through fictitious accounts and conversion of property.
                             •  Unauthorized credit facilities extended for reward or for illegal gratification.
                             •  Cheating and forgery.
                             •  Irregularities in foreign exchange transactions.
                             •  Any other type of fraud not coming under the specific heads as above.
                         Cases  of  ‘negligence  and  cash  shortages’  and  ‘irregularities  in  foreign  exchange  transactions’
                         referred to in items (b) and (f) above are to be reported as fraud if the intention to cheat/ defraud
                         is suspected/ proved. However, the following cases where fraudulent intention is not suspected/
                         proved, at the time of detection, will be treated as fraud and reported accordingly:
                                        (a)  cases of cash shortages more than Rs 10,000/- and
                                        (b)  cases of  cash shortages more than Rs 5000/- if detected by management/
                                            auditor/  inspecting  officer  and  not  reported  on  the  occurrence  by  the
                                            persons handling cash.

                         NBFCs  having  overseas  branches/offices  should  report  all  frauds  perpetrated  at  such
                         branches/offices also to the Reserve Bank as per the prescribed format and procedures.

          QNO     NBFC -Applicability & differences in the presentation   Old Course – (N19E, M20R, SM21, M21M,M23E)
          525.000  requirements between Division II & Division III                          New Course –(SM23)
                  of Schedule III
                  TITANIUM CNO—NBFC.380
                  Mr.  G  has  been  appointed  an  auditor  of  LMP  Ltd,  T  a  NBFC  company  registered  with  RBI  Mr.  G  is
                  concerned about whether the format of financial statements prepared by LMP Ltd. is as per notification
                  issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affaire (MCA) dated October 11, 2018 The notification prescribed the

                  format in Envision III under Schedule Ill of the Companies Act, 2013 applicable to NBFCs complying with
                  Ind-AS. Mr. G wants to know the differences in the presentation requirements between Division II and
                  Division III of Schedule III of the Companies Act, 2013. Help Mr. G.
          Answer    ➢  Applicability of Indian Accounting Standards (IND- AS) on NBFCS
                          •  Accounting periods beginning 1 April 2018:

                              Listed and unlisted NBFCs having a net worth of Rs 500 crore or more and holding, subsidiary,
                              joint venture or associate companies of such NBFCs;

                          •  Accounting periods beginning 1 April 2019:
                                  o  All other listed NBFCs, unlisted NBFCs having a net worth of Rs 250 crore or more

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