Page 303 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 303

(Violation of Public Deposit Direction)
                                    •  Whether  the  company  has  violated  any  restriction  on  acceptance  of  public
                                        deposit  as  provided  in  Non-Banking  Financial  Companies  Acceptance  of  Public
                                        Deposits (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016;
                                 (New Branches)
                                    •  Whether, in the case of opening of new branches or offices to collect deposits or
                                        in the case of closure of existing branches/ offices or in the case of appointment
                                        of agent, the company has complied with the requirements contained in the Non-
                                        Banking  Financial  Companies  Acceptance  of  Public  Deposits  (Reserve  Bank)
                     NBFCs Not Accepting Deposits
                             •  (C) In the case of a non-banking financial company not accepting public deposits Apart
                                 from the aspects enumerated in (A) above, the auditor shall include a statement on the
                                 following matters, namely: -
                                 (Board Resolution)
                                    •  Whether the Board of Directors has passed a resolution for non- acceptance of
                                        any public deposits;
                                 (Acceptance of Deposit)
                                    •  Whether  the  company  has  accepted  any  public  deposits  during  the  relevant
                                    •  whether the non-banking financial company has been correctly classified as NBFC
                                        Micro Finance Institutions (MFI) as defined in the Non-Banking Financial Company
                                        –  Non-Systemically  Important  Non-Deposit  taking  Company  (Reserve  Bank)
                                        Directions,  2016  and  Non-Banking  Financial  Company  -  Systemically  Important
                                        Non-Deposit  taking  Company  and  Deposit  taking  Company  (Reserve  Bank)
                                        Directions, 2016.
                                 (Systematically Important NBFC)
                                    •  In respect of Systemically Important Non-deposit taking NBFCs as defined in Non-
                                        Banking Financial Company - Systemically Important Non-Deposit taking Company
                                        and Deposit taking Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016:
                                           o  Whether the capital adequacy ratio as disclosed in the return submitted
                                               to the Bank in form NBS- 7, has been correctly arrived at and whether
                                               such  ratio  is  in  compliance  with the minimum  CRAR  prescribed  by the
                                           o  Whether the company has furnished to the Bank the annual statement of
                                               capital funds, risk assets/exposures and risk asset ratio (NBS-7) within the
                                               stipulated period.

                                 (Prudential Norms)
                                    •  Whether the company has complied with the prudential norms relating to income
                                        recognition,  accounting  standards,  asset  classification  and  provisioning  for  bad
                                        and doubtful debts as applicable to it in terms of Non-Banking Financial Company
                                        –  No  Systemically  Important  Non-Deposit  taking  Company  (Reserve  Bank)
                                        Directions,  2016  and  Non-Banking  Financial  Company  -  Systemically  Important
                                        Non-Deposit  taking  Company  and  Deposit  taking  Company  (Reserve  Bank)
                                        Directions, 2016;

                     NBFC not required COR
                             •  (D) In the case of a company engaged in the business of non-banking financial institution
                                 not required to hold CoR subject to certain conditions Apart from the matters enumerated
                                 in (A) (I) above where a company has obtained a specific advice from the Bank that it is
                                 not required to hold CoR from the Bank, the auditor shall include a statement that the
                                 company is complying with the conditions stipulated as advised by the Bank.
                                    •  Reasons  to  be  stated  for  unfavourable  or  qualified  statements  Where,  in  the
                                        auditor’s  report,  the  statement  regarding  any  of  the  items  referred  to  in
                                        paragraph  3  above  is  unfavourable  or  qualified,  the  auditor’s  report  shall  also
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