Page 302 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
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•  In  respect  of  non-banking  financial  companies  referred  to  in  clause  (iii)  above,
                                        whether the credit rating, for each of the fixed deposits schemes that has been
                                        assigned  by  one  of  the  Credit  Rating  Agencies  listed  in  Non-Banking  Financial
                                        Companies Acceptance  of Public Deposits (Reserve  Bank) Directions, 2016 is in
                                        force; and
                                    •  Whether the non-banking financial company is accepting "public deposit” without
                                        minimum investment grade credit rating from an approved credit rating agency as
                                        per  the  provisions  of  Non-Banking  Financial  Companies  Acceptance  of  Public
                                        Deposits (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016;

                                 (Limit as per Credit Rating Agency)
                                    •  whether the aggregate amount of deposits outstanding as at any point during the
                                        year has exceeded the limit specified by the such Credit Rating Agency;
                                 (Deposits within the limit?)
                                    •  5.  Whether  the  public  deposits  accepted  by  the  company  together  with  other
                                        borrowings indicated below viz.
                                                 o  from   public   by   issue   of   unsecured   non-convertible
                                                 o  from its shareholders (if it is a public limited company); and
                                                 o  which  are  not  excluded from  the  definition  of  ‘public deposit’  in
                                                    the  Non-Banking  Financial  Companies  Acceptance  of  Public
                                                    Deposits  (Reserve  Bank)  Directions,  2016,  are  within  the  limits
                                                    admissible  to  the  company  as  per  the  provisions  of  the  Non-
                                                    Banking  Financial  Companies  Acceptance  of  Public  Deposits
                                                    (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016;
                                 (Computation of CAR)
                                    •  Whether the capital adequacy ratio as disclosed in the return submitted to the
                                        Bank  in  terms  of  the  Non-Banking  Financial  Company-Systemically  Important
                                        Non-Deposit  taking  Company  and  Deposit  taking  Company  (Reserve  Bank)
                                        Directions,  2016  has  been  correctly  determined  and  whether  such  ratio  is  in
                                        compliance with the minimum CRAR prescribed therein;
                                 (Liquidity Norms)
                                    •  Whether  the  company  has  complied  with  the  liquid  assets  requirement  as
                                        prescribed by the Bank in exercise of powers under section 45 IB of the RBI Act
                                        and whether the details of the designated bank in which the +6communicated to
                                        the  office  concerned  of  the  Bank  in  terms  of  NBS  3;  Non-Banking  Financial
                                        Company Returns (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016;
                                 (Default of Interest)
                                    •  Whether  the  company  has  defaulted  in  paying  to  its  depositors  the  interest
                                        and/or  principal  amount  of  the  deposits  after  such  interest  and/or  principal
                                        became due;
                                 (Compliance with Prudential Norms)
                                    •  Whether  the  company  has  complied  with  the  prudential  norms  on  income
                                        recognition, accounting standards, asset classification, provisioning for bad and
                                        doubtful  debts,  and  concentration  of  credit/  investments  as  specified  in  the
                                        Directions  issued  by  the  Bank  in  terms  of  the  Master  Direction  Non-Banking
                                        Financial  Company  Systemically  Important  No  deposit  taking  Company  and
                                        Deposit taking Company (Reserve Bank) Directions,2016;
                                 (Return of Deposit)
                                    •  Whether the company has furnished to the Bank within the stipulated period the
                                        return on deposits as specified in the NBS 1 to – Non- Banking Financial Company
                                        Returns (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016;
                                 (Quarterly Report)
                                    •  Whether the company has furnished to the Bank within the stipulated period the
                                        quarterly  return on prudential norms as specified in the Non-Banking Financial
                                        Company Returns (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016;

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