Page 310 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 310

the provisions relating to audit and auditor, the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India
                                 may, in case of any company covered under sub-section (5) or sub-section (7) of section
                                 139  of  the  said  Act,  if  he  considers  necessary,  by  an  order,  cause  test  audit  to  be
                                 conducted  of  the  accounts  of  such  company  and  the  provisions  of  section  19A  of  the
                                 Comptroller and Auditor-General's (Duties, Powers and Conditions of Service) Act, 1971,
                                 shall apply to the report of such test audit.

          QNO    Committee on Public Sector                                              Old Course – (M23M)
          597.500 TITANIUM CNO -- PSU.040                                                New Course – (SM23)
                 PGC & Associates are statutory auditors of BNPC Limited, a PSU in power sector. It is engaged in building
                 large sized thermal power stations to accelerate development of power sector in the country.

                 One  of  the  financial  committees  of  Parliament  has  decided  to  examine  its  physical  and  financial
                 performance. It has also examined audit findings of C&AG in respect of which action is yet to be taken by
                 the said PSU. The committee also proposes to include in its report performance of the company in various
                 operational matters.

                 Which financial committee of Parliament deals with such matters? Outline its main functions.
          Answer  The said matters are dealt by Committee on Public Undertakings (COPU). The functions of the Committee
                  are -
                     (i)  to examine the reports and accounts of public undertakings.

                     (ii)  to examine the reports of the C&AG on public undertakings.

                     (iii)  to examine the autonomy and efficiency of public undertakings and to see whether they are being
                         managed in accordance with sound business principles and prudent commercial practices.

                     (iv)  to exercise such other functions vested in the PAC and the Estimates Committee as are not covered
                         above and as may be allotted by the Speaker from time to time.

                  The examination of  public enterprises by the  Committee takes the form of  comprehensive appraisal or
                  evaluation of performance of the undertaking. It involves a thorough examination, including evaluation of
                  the policies, programmes and financial working of the undertaking.

          QNO    C&AG has Powers to give directions                                      New Course – (SM23)
          597.510 TITANIUM CNO -- Unique

                 PS & Associates are statutory auditors of a Central government owned company for a particular year. The
                 statutory  auditors  were  required  to  examine  the  following  areas  mandatorily,  provide  their  specific
                 replies and also their impact on financial statements for that particular year in their audit report.

                  1.  Whether  the  company  has  system in  place to  process  all the  accounting  transactions through  IT
                      system? If yes, the implications of processing of accounting transactions outside IT system on the
                      integrity of the accounts along with the financial implications, if any, may be stated.

                  2.  Whether there is any restructuring of an existing loan or cases of waiver / write off of debts / loans
                      / interest etc. made by a lender to the company due to the company’s inability to repay the loan? If
                      yes, the financial impact may be stated. Whether such cases are properly accounted for?

                  3.  Whether  funds  (grants/subsidy  etc.)  received  /  receivable  for  specific  schemes  from  Central
                      government or its agencies were properly accounted for / utilized as per its term and conditions?
                      List the cases of deviation.

                 Can you gauge likely nature of such responsibility thrust upon auditors of above PSU?"

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