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but  less  than  Rs  500  crore  and  holding,  subsidiary,  joint  venture  or  associate
                                     companies of such NBFCs.
                                  o  The  net  worth  shall  be  calculated  in  accordance  with  the  standalone  financial
                                     statements  of  the  NBFCs  as  on  31st  March  2016  or  the  first  audited  financial
                                     statements for accounting period which ends after that date.
                                  o  Format for preparation of financial statements by NBFCs under Ind- AS –
                                     The Ministry  of  Corporate Affairs  (MCA) vide  notification  dated  October 11, 2018
                                     introduced Division III under Schedule III of the Companies Act, 2013, wherein a
                                     format for preparation of financial statements by NBFCs complying with Ind-AS has
                                     been prescribed.

                    ➢  Differences Between Division Ii (Ind- AS- Other Than NBFCS) And Division Iii (Ind- AS-
                       NBFCS) of Schedule III
                       The presentation requirements under Division III for NBFCs are similar to Division II (Non NBFC) to a
                       large extent except for the following:
                          •  Classification & Order in Balance Sheet
                              NBFCs have been allowed to present the items of the balance sheet in order of their liquidity
                              which  is  not  allowed  to  companies  required  to  follow  Division  II.  Additionally,  NBFCs  are
                              required to classify items of the balance sheet into financial and non-financial whereas other
                              companies are required to classify the items into current and non-current.
                          •  Material Items Disclosure
                              An NBFC is required to separately disclose by way of a note any item of ‘other income’ or
                              ‘other expenditure’ which exceeds 1 per cent of the total income. Division II, on the other
                              hand, requires disclosure for any item of income or expenditure which exceeds 1 per cent of
                              the revenue from operations or Rs10 lakhs, whichever is higher.
                          •  Separate Disclosures
                                    o  NBFCs are required to separately disclose under ‘receivables’, the debts due from
                                        any Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) in which its director is a partner or member.
                                    o  Separate disclosure of trade receivable which have significant increase in credit
                                        risk & credit impaired.
                                    o  The conditions or restrictions for distribution attached to statutory reserves have
                                        to be separately disclose in the notes as stipulated by the relevant statute.
                          •  Common Point
                              NBFCs are also required to disclose items comprising ‘revenue from operations’ and ‘other
                              comprehensive income’ on the face of the Statement of profit and loss instead of as part of
                              the notes

         QNO     Material Item Disclosure                                                  New Course – (SM23)
         525.100 TITANIUM CNO -- NBFC.380

                 You are auditor of a deposit taking NBFC (NBFC-D). The NBFC is identified by RBI in its upper layer and its
                 financial statements are required to prepared in accordance with requirements of Ind AS. The following is
                 extract of statement of profit and loss for year ending 31St March, 2023 in accordance with Division III of
                 Schedule III of Companies Act, 2013. Previous year figures are ignored.

                             Particulars                      Note No.               Figures for year ended 31
                                                                                     March, 2023 (in ₹ Crores)
                  Revenue from Operations

                   (i)  Interest income                         15                            9500
                   (ii) Dividend income                                                         -
                   (iii)   Rental Income                                                       150
                   (iv) (Fees and commission income             16                             100
                   (v) Net gain on fair value changes           17                             150
                   (vi) Net gain on derecognition of
                     financial instruments under
                     amortised category
                  (I) Total revenue from operations                                           9900

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