Page 311 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 311

Answer  The above areas for which statutory auditors of PSU were required to examine, report and indicate impact
                 of  these  matters  in  financial  statements  are  likely  to  relate  to  directions  issued  by  C&AG  to  statutory
                 auditors under section 143(5) of Companies Act, 2013.

                 In terms of section 143(5), in case of a government company, the C&AG has the power to direct the auditor
                 the manners in which accounts of company are required to be audited and auditor shall submit audit report
                 which among other things, include the directions, if any, issued by the C&AG the action taken thereon and
                 its impact on the accounts and financial statements of the company.

          QNO    Estimates Committee                                                      Old Course – (N23M)
          597.800 TITANIUM CNO -- PSU.040

                 The Comptroller & Auditor General of India  plays a key role in functioning of  financial committees of
                 Parliament and state legislatures. Therefore, he has come to be recognized as a friend, philosopher and

                 guide of committees. Discuss how such a role is ensured in practice. Also, briefly discuss the functions of
                 “Estimates Committee” of Parliament.

          Answer  The Comptroller & Auditor General of India plays a key role in the functioning of the financial committees of
                 Parliament and the State Legislatures. He has come to be recognised as a 'friend, philosopher and guide' of
                 the Committees. It is ensured as follows: -
                     (i)    His  reports  generally  form  the  basis  of  the  Committees'  working,  although  they  are  not
                            precluded from examining issues not brought out in his reports.

                     (ii)   He  scrutinises  the  notes  which  the  Ministries  submit  to  the  Committees  and  helps  the
                            Committees to check the correctness of submissions to the Committees and facts and figures in
                            their draft reports.

                     (iii)   The financial Committees present their report to the Parliament/ State Legislature with their
                            observations and recommendations.

                            The various Ministries / Department of the Government are required to inform the Committees
                            of the action taken by them on the recommendations of the Committees (which are generally
                            accepted) and the Committees present Action Taken Reports to Parliament / Legislature

                     (iv)   In respect of those audit reports, which could not be discussed in detail by the committees’,
                            written answers are obtained from the Department / Ministry concerned and are sometimes
                            incorporated in the Reports presented to the Parliament / State Legislature.

                            This ensures that the audit reports are not taken lightly by the Government, even if the entire
                            report is not deliberated upon by the Committee.

                            The functions of “Estimates Committee” are: -

                               (i)  to report what economies, improvements in organization, efficiency or administrative
                                   reform, consistent with the policy underlying the estimates may be effected.
                               (ii)  to suggest alternative policies
                               (iii)  to examine whether the money is well laid out within the limit and
                               (iv)  to suggest the form in which the estimates shall be presented to Parliament.

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