Page 320 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 320

Part 1- Internal Audit

          QNO     Sec 138--Applicability (Average Turnover of Past 3 Years)   Old Course – (N08R, M15R, SM17, PM17,
          352.000  TITANIUM CNO—IA.025                                              N17E, M18M, N22M, N23M)
                  JKH Pvt Ltd. who is into the business of imparting coaching to CA students did not appoint any internal
                  auditor for the year ended 31st March 2017. As on 31st March 2016, the company had paid up capital of
                  ₹ 50 lakhs and reserves of ₹ 10 crores. Its turnover for the 3 years preceding the year ended 31st March
                  2017 was ₹ 75 crores, ₹ 145 crores and ₹ 260 crores respectively. As an auditor of the company for the
                  year ended 31st March 2017, how would you deal with the above?
                  PQR  Ltd.,  a  listed  company  and  having  an  average  annual  turnover  of  more  than  ₹  5  crores  has  no
                  Internal Audit System. Give your views.
                  ABC Pvt Ltd was involved in the business of manufacturing pipes and holdings. For financial year 2020-21

                  the  company  had  the  following  turnover  from  its  various  segments  and  product:  Segment  Name
                  Turnover  Profit  Steel  /  Iron  Pipe  Manufacturing  140  Crore  10  Crore  Holdings  and  Civil  Structure
                  Accessories 25 Crore 50 Lakh PVC / Yellow Pipe Manufacturing 65 Crore 8 Crore During Financial Year
                  2021-22,  the  company’s  performance  was  considerably  lower  compared  to  FY  2020-21  due  to
                  competition  and  high  prices. Turnover  and  Profit  of the  company  for  FY  2021-22 is  given  hereunder:
                  Segment  Name  Turnover  Profit  Steel  /  Iron  Pipe  Manufacturing  60  Crore  2  Crore  Holdings  and  Civil
                  Structure Accessories 15 Crore 35 Lakh PVC / Yellow Pipe Manufacturing 35 Crore 3 Crore The company
                  was fully financed through its own capital during both years. Kindly assess whether the company was
                  required to appoint internal auditor as per section 138 read with Rule 13 of the Companies (Accounts)
                  Rules, 2014 for FY 2021-22.
          Answer  Part I -- Relevant Section & Laws
                      ▪  As per section 138 of the Companies Act, 2013, read with Rule 13 of Companies (Audit and

                         Auditors) Rules, 2014
                  Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Section & Laws
                      ➢  As per section 138 of the Companies Act, 2013, the following class of companies (prescribed in rule
                         13 of Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014) shall be required to appoint an internal auditor or a firm
                         of internal auditors, namely-
                             a.  every listed company;

                             b.  every unlisted public company having
                                    (i)  paid up share capital of fifty crore rupees or more during the preceding financial
                                        year; or
                                    (ii)  turnover  of  two  hundred  crore  rupees  or  more  during  the  preceding  financial
                                        year; or
                                    (iii) outstanding  loans  or  borrowings  from  banks  or  public  financial  institutions
                                        exceeding  one  hundred  crore  rupees  or  more  at  any  point  of  time  during  the
                                        preceding financial year; or
                                    (iv) outstanding deposits of  twenty-five  crore rupees or more  at any  point of time
                                        during the preceding financial year; and

                             c.  Every private company, having –
                                     (i)  turnover  of  two  hundred  crore  rupees  or  more  during  the  preceding  financial
                                        year; or
                                     (ii)  outstanding  loans  or  borrowings  from  banks  or  public  financial  institutions
                                        exceeding  one  hundred  crore  rupees  or  more  at  any  point  of  time  during  the

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