Page 414 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 414

In this case, C.A. Bahubali is Special Executive Magistrate, engaged in the occupation of trading in commodity
                  derivatives and also took over as the Executive Chairman on 01.04.2021. In this context, it may be noted that
                  the  Special  Executive  Magistrate which  is  generally  permitted  for  Members  of the  Institute  in  practice,
                  further specific permission is required for holding the position of Executive Chairman and getting engaged in
                  the occupation of trading in commodity derivatives.

                  In the given situation, C.A. Bahubali is acting as Special Executive Magistrate which is generally permitted for
                  Members of the Institute in practice. Further, He is engaged in the occupation of trading in commodity
                  derivatives which is not covered under the general permission. He also took over as the Executive Chairman
                  for which specific permission is required. CA. Bahubali got the permission for the same from the Council of

                  Conclusion: Hence, CA. Bahubali is not guilty for acting as Special Executive Magistrate as it is covered under
                  the general permission. He is also not guilty for holding the position of Executive Chairman after getting
                  specific permission of the Institute. However, he is guilty of professional misconduct under Clause (11) of
                  Part I of First Schedule of Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 for getting engaged in the occupation of trading
                  in commodity derivatives which is not covered under the general permission.

          QNO      First Schedule, Part 1,Cl,11--Business Occupation(Multiple Points)      Old Course – (M23R)
          713.600  TITANIUM CNO -- PE.1280                                                New Course – (SM23)
                  Mr. S is a practising chartered accountant based out of Chennai. During the weekends, he involved himself
                  in equity research and used to advise his friends, relatives and other known people who are not his clients.
                  Apart from this, he was also involved as a paper - setter for Accountancy subject in the school in which he
                  studied. He also owned agricultural land and was doing agriculture during his free time. During the year
                  20X1, heavy losses were incurred in agricultural activity due to natural calamities and misfortune, and he

                  lost almost all of his wealth and became undischarged insolvent. After a few court hearings, finally, in the
                  year 20X3, he was declared discharged insolvent and obtained a certificate from the court stating that his
                  insolvency was caused by misfortune without any misconduct on his part. You are required to comment
                  on the above situation with reference to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 and Schedules thereto,
                  (especially from the point of section 8: Entry of name in Register of Members).
          Answer  Given situation can be visualised in following parts:
                      A.  Mr S used to involve himself in equity research and used to advise his friends, relatives and other

                          known people: As per the recent decisions taken by the Ethical Standards Board of ICAI, a Chartered
                          Accountant in practice may be an equity research adviser, but he cannot publish a retail report, as
                          it would amount to other business or occupation.

                          In the given case, though Mr S is involved in doing equity research and in advising people, it is clear
                          that he does not publish any retail report of his research. Hence, this act of Mr S shall not make him
                          guilty of professional misconduct.

                      B.  Mr S is involved in paper-setting for the Accountancy subject in the school where he studied. He also
                          owns agricultural land and does agriculture activities: As per Clause 11 of Part I of First Schedule of
                          Chartered Accountants Act and regulation 190A of Chartered Accountants Regulations, a Chartered
                          Accountant  in  practice  is  deemed  to  be  guilty  of  professional  misconduct  if  he  engages  in  any
                          business or occupation other than the profession of chartered accountant unless permitted by the
                          Council so to engage.

                          Further,  Regulation  190A  mentions  the  'Permissions  granted  Generally'  to  engage  in  a  certain
                          category of occupations, for which no specific permission of Council is required. Those cases include:

                          - Valuation of papers, acting as paper-setter, head examiner or a moderator, for any examination.
                          - Owning agricultural land and carrying out agricultural activities.

                          Therefore, in the given case, the activities of Mr S as a paper-setter and involvement in agricultural
                          activities do not make him guilty of professional misconduct.

                      C.  Mr. S was  discharged insolvent:  Disabilities  for  the  Purpose  of  Membership:  Section 8  of  the
                          Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 enumerates the circumstances under which a person is debarred
                          from having his name entered in or borne on the  Register of Members, If he, being a discharged
                          insolvent, has not obtained from the court a certificate stating that his insolvency was caused by
                          misfortune without any  misconduct on his part. Here it may be noted that a person who has been
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