Page 416 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 416

However, public conscience is expected to be ahead of law and the requirement of independence
                          should be interpreted much more strictly. Members should thus not place themselves in position
                          which would either compromise or jeopardise their independence.

                  Part III – Case Discussion
                      ➢  In the given case, M is the statutory auditor of S Ltd who was appointed as director in H Ltd which is
                          the holding company of S Ltd.

                  Part IV – Conclusion
                      ➢  In view of the above, an auditor of a subsidiary cannot be a director of a holding company as it will
                          affect his independence.
                  Author’s Note
                      •  As  per  Committee  on  Ethical  Standards  has  decided,  director  of  holding  should  not  become
                          auditor in subsidiary company, though it is not prohibited by Company Act 2013.

                      •  As per Sec 141(3) directors of company cannot become auditors in the same Company. But the
                          Companies Act 2013 didn’t disqualify directors of holding company or subsidiary company from
                          doing so. Hence Sec 141(3) is not referred.

                  First Schedule, Part I,Cl,11 --Directorship in Holding Company where    Old Course—(M21M)
                  he is auditor in Subsidiary Case Study & Recover Consultant
                  TITANIUM CNO – PE.1280
                  M/s SS limited is a partly owned subsidiary of M/s HH limited. For the upcoming financial year, M/s DD
                  & Co., Chartered Accountants, were appointed as the statutory auditors of SS limited. The CEO of the
                  holding company was impressed with the knowledge and experience of Mr. D, one of the partners of the
                  firm and hence, he offered Mr. D to take up the position of Director (not MD/ whole time director) of

                  HH limited. At the same time, Mr. D’s friend approaches him with an assignment to act as a Recovery
                  Consultant for a bank. Mr. D is now confused whether to accept or reject the offers. He approaches
                  you and seeks your advice on the same. Advise what Mr. D about what he can do with the offers with
                  reference to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 and Schedules thereto
          Answer  As  per  Clause  (11)  of  Part  I  of  First  Schedule  of  Chartered  Accountants  Act,  1949,  a  Chartered
                  Accountant in practice is deemed to be guilty of professional misconduct if he engages in any business
                  or occupation other than the profession of Chartered Accountant unless permitted by the Council so
                  to engage.

                  Provided nothing contained herein shall disentitle a chartered accountant from being a director of a
                  company (not being MD or whole-time director) unless he or his partners is interested in such company
                  as auditor.

                  The  Ethical  Standards  Board  (ESB)  noted  that  Public  conscience  is  expected  to  be  ahead  of  law.
                  Members, therefore, are expected to interpret the requirement as regards independence much more
                  strictly than what the law requires and should not place themselves in positions which would either
                  compromise or jeopardise their independence. In the view of the above, the Board, via a clarification,
                  decided that the auditor of a Subsidiary company cannot be a Director of its Holding company, as it
                  will affect the independence of the auditor.

                  However, the Council has granted general permission to the members to engage in certain specific
                  occupation. In respect of all other occupations specific permission of the Institute is necessary. ‘acting
                  as Recovery Consultant in the banking sector’ is covered under general permission.

                  In the given situation, M/s SS limited is a partly owned subsidiary of M/s HH limited. For the upcoming
                  financial year, M/s DD & Co., Chartered Accountants, were appointed as the statutory auditors of SS
                  limited. The CEO of the holding company was impressed with the knowledge and experience of Mr. D,
                  one of the partners of the firm and hence, he offered Mr. D to take up the position of Director (not
                  MD/ whole-time director) of HH limited. Further, Mr. D’s friend approached him for an assignment for
                  acting as a Recovery Consultant for a bank.

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