Page 415 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 415

removed from membership for a specified period shall not be entitled to have his name entered in
                          the Register until the expiry of such period.

                          In addition, failure on the part of a person to disclose the fact that he suffers from any one of the
                          aforementioned disabilities would constitute professional misconduct. The name of the person, who
                          is found to have been subject at any time to any of the disabilities discussed in section 8, can be
                          removed from the Register of Members by the Council.

                          In the given case, it is clearly stated that Mr S was discharged insolvent, and he has also obtained
                          from  the  court  a  certificate  stating  that  his  insolvency  was  caused  by  misfortune  without  any
                          misconduct on his part. Hence, Mr S has not violated the provisions of Section 8, and he is not
                          debarred from having his name entered in the Register of Members.

          QNO     First Schedule, Part I, Clause 11 Sale of Domain                         Old Course – (N23R)
          713.700 TITANIUM CNO -- PE.1280

                  CA Sumati is a practicing chartered accountant having office in Mumbai. CA Sumati is owner of domain
         In order to generate additional revenue CA Sumati sold this domain name to XYZ Limited for
                  earning royalty of ₹ 2,25,000. One of the directors of XYZ Limited contended that CA Sumati has violated
                  the Code of Conduct. CA Sumati responded that there is no violation of Code of Conduct as selling of domain
                  name is not related to any professional assignment which requires approval of the Institute
          Answer  As per Clause (11) of Part I of Schedule I to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, a member in practice is
                  deemed to be guilty if he engages in any business or occupation other than the profession of chartered
                  accountant  unless  permitted  by  the  Council  so  to  engage.  Provided  that  nothing  contained  herein  shall
                  disentitle a chartered accountant from being a director of a company (not being a managing director or a
                  whole-time director) unless he or any of his partners is interested in such company as an auditor.

                  As per Regulation 190A, a chartered accountant in practice not to engage in any other business or occupation
                  other than the profession of accountancy except with the permission granted in accordance with a resolution
                  of the Council.

                  In the given case, CA Sumati is a practicing chartered accountant having office in Mumbai. CA Sumati is owner
                  of domain In order to generate additional revenue, CA Sumati sold this domain name for earning
                  royalty of ₹ 2,50,000 to XYZ Limited. One of the directors of XYZ Limited contended that CA Sumati has violated
                  the Code of Conduct. CA Sumati responded that there is no violation of Code of Conduct as selling of domain
                  name is not related to any professional assignment which requires approval of the Institute. As per Regulation
                  190A, the activity of selling domain name for earning Royalty would amount to “other business/occupation”
                  without approval is prohibited.

                  Hence, CA Sumati is guilty of professional misconduct under Clause 11 of Part I of Schedule I to the Chartered
                  Accountants Act, 1949 for selling domain name for a royalty.

                  First Schedule, Part I,Cl,11 Directorship in Holding Company where he is   Old Course – (M08E, PM17)
          714.000    auditor in Subsidiary
                  TITANIUM CNO – PE.1280

                  M, a Chartered Accountant in practice, is the Statutory Auditor of S Ltd. for the year ended 31st March
                  2015. In January 2015, he was appointed as a Director in H Ltd., which is the holding Company of S

          Answer  Part I -- Relevant Laws
                      ▪  Clause (11) of Part I of the First Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949

                  Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Laws
                      ➢  A CA in practice cannot engage (unless permitted by the council) in any business or occupation other
                          than the profession of Chartered accountant, but he can be a director of a company wherein he or
                          any of his partners is not interested in such company as auditor.

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