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P. 98

QNO      ICQ Assumptions                                                          Old Course – (N18E)
        168.010  TITANIUM CNO -- MRI.540
                 In the use of standardized Internal Control Questionnaire (ICQ), certain basic assumptions about elements

                 of a good internal control system are taken into account.  List down few such assumptions
        Answer       ➢  Basic  Assumption  about  Elements  of  Good  Control  in  Standardized  Internal  Control

                        In  the  use  of  standardized  internal  control  questionnaire,  certain  basic  assumptions  about
                        elements of good control are taken into account. These are–
                                Certain procedures in general used by most business concerns are essential in achieving
                               reliable internal control. This is a time-tested assumption. Deposit into bank of the entire
                               receipts of a day or daily balancing of the cash book and ledgers or periodic reconciliation
                               with the control accounts are examples of widely used practices which are considered
                               good internal control practices. Besides, basic operations giving rise to these practices
                               exist in all businesses irrespective of their nature.

                                Organizations are such that permit an extensive division of duties and responsibilities. The
                               larger the organisation, the greater is the scope of such division.

                                Employees concerned with accounting function are not assigned any custodial function.

                                No  single  person  is  thrust  with  the  responsibility  of  completing  a  transaction  all  by

                                There should always be evidence to identify the person who has done the work whether
                               involving authorization, implementation or checking.

                                The work performed by each one is expected to come under review of another in the
                               usual course of routine.

                                There is proper documentation and recording of the transactions.
                 Authors Note:

                 Question is on Assumptions of Good Internal Control System. Ultimately they explain requirements of
                 good  internal  controls  system.  Answer  by  ICAI  explains  that  good  internal  control  system,  need
                 following assumptions / requirements.
                 (I  know  question  is  not  properly  drafted  there  is  ambiguity),  so  assumptions  here  means  basic
                 requirements of good internal control system

                 Internal Control Weakness Identified in Purchase & Account             Old Course – (M21M)
        168.020   Payable, What audit procedure should be performed ?
                 TITANIUM CNO -- Unique
                 During the process of extracting the exception reports, the auditors noted numerous purchase entries
                 without valid purchase orders. In terms of percentage, about 40% of purchases were made without valid
                 purchase orders whereas few purchase orders were validated after the actual purchase. Also, there was
                 no reconciliation between the goods received and the goods ordered. You are required to briefly explain
                 the audit procedures to address the validity of account balance level.
        Answer  In the given scenario, the auditors noted numerous  purchase entries without valid purchase orders
                 during the process of extracting the exception reports. Further, in terms of percentage, about 40% of
                 purchases were made without valid purchase orders and also few purchase orders were validated after
                 the  actual  purchase.  Also  there  was  no  reconciliation  between  the  goods  received  and  the  goods

                 Audit Procedures: The following procedures may address the validity of the account balance:
                  ▪  Make a selection of the purchases, review correspondence with the vendors, purchase requisitions
                    (internal document) and reconciliations of their accounts.

                  ▪  Review Vendor listing along with the ageing details. Follow up the material amounts paid before
                    the normal credit period and analyse the reasons for exceptions.                                                      PARAM                               4.15 | P a g e
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