Page 104 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 104

CA Ravi Taori
         Interrelationship between Sufficiency (Quantity) and Appropriateness (Quality)
         • Higher Quality may lead to lower Quantity.
         • Higher Quantity may not lead to lower Quality
         Factors affecting Sufficiency: Shortcut -- (MRP)
         • Materiality-> Direct Relationship
         • ROMM-> Direct Relationship
         • Population-> Direct Relationship
             Nature of Population:
               - Homogeneous- less
               - Heterogenous- more

         (CNO-SA500.080) Reliable & Relevant
         When designing and performing audit procedures, the auditor shall consider the reliability & relevance of the
         information to be used as audit evidence

         Shortcut -- (Think about external confirmation)
         1A. Source: Audit evidence is more reliable when obtained from independent external sources.
         1B.  Form:  Evidence  in  documentary  form,  such  as  paper  or  electronic  records,  is  more  reliable  than  oral
         1C.  Nature:  Original  documents  provide  more  reliable  audit  evidence  than  photocopies,  facsimiles,  or
         digitized versions. The reliability of transformed documents depends on the control over their preparation and
         1D.  Direct  Acquisition:  Evidence  obtained  directly  by  the  auditor,  such  as  through  observation,  is  more
         reliable than evidence obtained indirectly or by inference.
         2. Internally generated audit evidence: The reliability of internally generated audit evidence increases when
         the entity's related controls, including those over its preparation and maintenance, are effective.

          (CNO-SA500.100) Using the Work of a Management's Expert
          Steps before relying on Management's Expert.
          Expert Evaluation: The auditor should assess the competence, capabilities, and objectivity of the expert.
          Understanding Expert's field Work: The auditor needs to understand the work performed by the expert.
          Evaluate the appropriateness of work: The auditor should evaluate the appropriateness of the expert's work
          as audit evidence for the relevant assertion.
          Competence, Capabilities and Objectivity – Sources of Evidence
          Expert's  Qualifications:  The  auditor  can  gain  knowledge  about  the  expert's  competence,  capabilities,  and
          objectivity from their qualifications.
          Published Works: The auditor can refer to papers or books written by the expert.

          Past Experience: Personal experience with the expert's previous work can provide valuable insights.
          Expert Discussions: Engaging in discussions with the expert can help assess their competence and objectivity.
          Third-party  Opinions:  Discussions  with  others  familiar  with  the  expert's  work  can  also  provide  useful
          Understanding field of Expert
          Obtain an understanding of the work of that expert through:
           • Aspects of Mgt expert field
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