Page 107 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 107

CA Ravi Taori
         Step 1
         1. Inquiry: Inquiry of management and others within the entity, including in-house legal counsel.
         2A. Review-Minutes: Reviewing minutes of meetings of those charged with governance.
         2B. Correspondence: Correspondence between the entity and its external legal counsel.
         3. Expenses: Reviewing legal expense accounts.
         Step 2
         RMM:  If  risk  of  material  misstatement  (RMM)  exists  regarding  litigation  or  claims,  the  auditor  shall  seek
         direct communication with the entity's external legal counsel.
         Letter of Inquiry: The auditor shall do so through a letter of inquiry, prepared by management and sent by the
         auditor, requesting direct communication with the entity's external legal counsel.
         Prohibition:  If  law  or  regulation  prohibits  direct  communication  with  the  legal  counsel,  the  auditor shall
         perform alternative audit procedures.
         Meeting: In cases of complexity, disagreement or significant risk, (CDS) between External Legal Counsel &
         management, the auditor may meet the entity's external legal counsel, usually with management's permission
         and attendance.
         Step 3
         Written  Representations:  The  auditor  shall  request  written  representations  from  management  and,  if
         applicable, those charged with governance, confirming that all known actual or possible litigation and claims
         have  been disclosed  and  appropriately  accounted  for  in  accordance  with  the  applicable  financial  reporting

         (CNO-SA501.140) Part - 3 Segment Information
         Audit Procedures
         Understanding  Methods:  Obtain  knowledge  of  management's  methods  for  determining  segment
         Evaluating Methods: Evaluate if methods are as per Applicable financial reporting framework.
         Test Methods: If necessary, test the application of these methods.
         Audit Procedures: Conduct analytical or other relevant audit procedures.
         Further Explanation: Understanding of the Methods Used by Management
         Understanding Segment Information Methods (Shortcut Segment – ABC)
         Inter  Segment  Transactions:  Sales,  transfers,  charges  between  segments,  and  elimination  of  intersegment
         Allocation: The allocation of assets and costs among segments.
         Budget  Comparisons:  Comparisons  with  budgets  and  expected  results,  such  as  operating  profits  as  a
         percentage of sales.
         Consistency: Consistency with prior periods and adequacy of disclosures regarding inconsistencies.

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