Page 105 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 105

CA Ravi Taori
           • Assumptions and methods are used by the management's expert
          Evaluating Work of Expert
          Source Data Evaluation: If the expert's work significantly relies on source data, the auditor should assess its
          relevance, completeness, and accuracy.
          Assumptions  and  Methods:  If  significant  assumptions  and  methods  are  used  in  the  expert's  work,  their
          relevance and reasonableness should be evaluated.
          Evaluate  Expert’s  Findings:  The  auditor  should  assess  the  relevance  and  reasonableness  of  the  expert's
          findings  or  conclusions,  their  consistency  with  other  audit  evidence,  and  whether  they  have  been
          appropriately reflected in the financial statements.

         (CNO-SA500.120) Information produced by entity to be used as audit evidence
         Relevant & Reliable: If auditor wants to use any information as audit evidence he should ensure that it
         should be relevant & Reliable.
         Ensure: Further if any information is produced by the entity then before considering it as evidence he should
         ensure that information is
         (Shortcut: - APCD)
          •  Accurate
          •  Sufficiently Precise & Detailed for auditor's purpose.
          •  Complete

         (CNO-SA500.140) Inconsistency in or doubts over reliability of audit evidence
         Inconsistency or Doubt: If auditor come across a situation where
         Information with one source is inconsistent with another source.
         Auditor has doubt over reliability of information to be used  as audit evidence.
         Modification of Audit Procedures: The auditor shall determine what modification should be done to audit
         procedures as necessary to resolve the matter It should consider the effect of that matter if any on other aspects
         of audit.

                                                        SA 501


         (CNO-SA501.020) Objective as Per SA 501
         Inventory: Audit evidence for existence and condition of inventory.
         Litigation & Claims: Completeness of litigation and claims involving the entity.
         Segment  Reporting:  Presentation  and  disclosure  of  segment  information  as  per  the  financial  reporting

         (CNO-SA501.040) Existence & Condition of Inventory (Shortcut: - MOTI Reconciliation)
         Management's Instructions: Assess management's instructions and procedures for recording and controlling
         physical  inventory  counting  results,  including  control  over  inventory  movement,  application  of  control
         activities, and procedures for estimating physical quantities.
         Observe: Observe the execution of management's count procedures to ensure they are carried out accurately
         and effectively.
         Test Count: Perform test counts to cross-verify the accuracy of management's count procedures and results.
         Inspect:  Physically  inspect  the  inventory  to  verify  its  existence  and  condition,  including  the  stage  of
         completion of work in progress, slow moving, obsolete, damaged items, and third-party owned inventory.
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