Page 109 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 109

CA Ravi Taori
         Factors to consider when Designing Confirmation requests

         4.Sending Requests
         Properly Addressed: Determine that requests are properly addressed to third parties and also return address of
         auditor, including testing the validity of some or all addresses on confirmation requests before sending.
         Follow-Up: Send an additional or follow-up confirmation request when a reply to a previous request has not
         been received within a reasonable time, after re-verifying the accuracy of the original address.

         (CNO-SA505.060) Negative Confirmations
         Definition: A request that the confirming party respond directly to the auditor only if the confirming party
         disagrees with the information provided in the request
         Evidence Quality: Less persuasive than positive confirmations.
         Sole Audit Procedure: Not the sole audit procedure if there is RMM, unless ALL of the following conditions
         are fulfilled (Shortcut PE invests in RCB)
           • Population Homogeneity: Large number of small, similar balances or transactions.
           • Exception Expectation: Anticipate a very low exception (Mismatch) rate.
           • Risk Assessment: Risk of material misstatement is low.
           • Control Effectiveness: Sufficient evidence of effective relevant controls.
           • Recipient Behaviour: No known reasons for recipients to ignore requests.

         (CNO-SA505.080) Reliability of Responses
         1.  Doubts  Over  Reliability:  Auditor  identifies  factors  causing  doubts  over  reliability  of  response  to
         confirmation request.
         2. Further Evidence: If doubts exist, obtain further audit evidence to resolve them. Determine if a response to
         a confirmation request is reliable.
         3. If not reliable: If not reliable, evaluate implications on assessment of risks of material misstatement (RMM)
         and risk of fraud (ROF).
         4.  Adjust  NTE:  Adjust  the  nature,  timing,  and  extent  of  other  audit  procedures  to  obtain  sufficiency  and
         appropriateness (S&A) evidence.

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