Page 110 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 110

CA Ravi Taori
         (CNO-SA505.100) Management's Refusal to Allow The Auditor To Send A Confirmation Request
         Reasons: Inquire as to management's reasons for refusing to allow the auditor to send a confirmation request.
         Evidence: Seek audit evidence regarding the validity and reasonableness of management's refusal.
         Effect on RMM & ROF: Evaluate the implications of management's refusal on the auditor's assessment of the
         relevant risks of material misstatement. Include the risk of fraud (ROF) in the evaluation.
         Effect on NTE: Assess the impact on the nature, timing, and extent of other audit procedures.
         Alternative audit procedures
         Alternative Procedures: Perform alternative audit procedures to obtain relevant and reliable audit evidence.
         TCWG: If reasons are unreasonable or unable to obtain reliable evidence, communicate with those charged
         with governance in accordance with SA 260.
         Auditor’s Opinion: Determine the implications for the audit and the auditor's opinion in accordance with SA

                                                       SA 510


         (CNO-SA510.020) Applicability & Objectives Of Sa 510
         Initial Engagement: Refers to audits where prior period's financial statements were either not audited or were
         audited by a different auditor.
         Material  Misstatements:  Ensure  no  material  misstatements  in  opening  balances  that  affect  the  current
         period's financial statements.
         Consistency  of  AP:  Confirm  that  accounting  policies  in  opening  balances  are  consistently  applied  in  the
         current  period  or  any  changes  are  properly  accounted  for  and  disclosed  as  per  the  financial  reporting

         (CNO-SA510.040) Audit Procedures To Examine Opening Balances
         Check whether op Bal is misstated.
         Evidence from Last year
           •  Whether cl. Bal have been correctly brought forward from LY ledger
           •  Agree op bal with the most recent FST of prior period.
           •  Read predecessor AR, if any modification evaluates whether it leads to RMM.
           •  If any prior period item, then trace it to previous period documents.
         Evidence from current year
           •  Evaluate whether current year audit procedure provide evidence relevant to op Bal.
           •  Perform specific audit procedure to obtain evidence about op bal Reco / comparison/ Documents.
         Misstatement Detected
           • If misstatement is detected in op bal then perform additional procedures
           • If there is misstatement in current year also follow SA 450
         Consistency of Accounting Policy: Obtain S&A evidence whether there is consistency in implementation of
         A/C policy, if there are changes whether properly accounted presented, disclosed

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