Page 283 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 283

CA Ravi Taori
         Post-Balance Sheet  Collections:  Examine  collections  made subsequent  to  the  date  of the  balance  sheet  to
         obtain further evidence about the existence and completeness of bills for collection as on the date of Balance
         Procedure for Crediting Party: Examine the procedure for crediting the party on whose behalf a bill has been
         collected. Confirm that this procedure is in consonance with the nature of obligations of the bank in respect of
         bills for collection.
         Examine that adequate internal controls exist that debits the customer’s account with the amount of bank’s
         commission as soon as a bill collected is credited to the customer’s account. The auditor should also examine
         that no income has been accrued in the accounts in respect of bills outstanding on the balance sheet date.

         (CNO-BA.580) Auditor's Report
         - SA 700 Compliance: The auditors, central as well as branch, should also ensure that the audit report issued
         by  them  complies  with  the  requirements  of  SA  700,  “Forming  an  Opinion  and  Reporting  on  Financial
         - SA 705 Compliance: The audit report should also comply with SA 705, “Modifications to the Opinion in the
         Independent Auditor’s Report”.
         - SA 706 Compliance: It should meet the standards of SA 706, “Emphasis of Matter Paragraphs and Other
         Matter Paragraphs in the Independent Auditor’s Report”.
         -  SA  710  Compliance:  The  audit  report  must  also  be  in  line  with  SA  710,  “Comparative  Information-
         Corresponding Figures and Comparative Financial Statements”.
         - SA 720 Compliance: The report should adhere to SA 720, The Auditor’s Responsibility Relating to Other
         Information in Documents Containing Audited Financial Statements.

         Unaudited Branches-
         - Information Disclosure: The auditor should ensure that not only information relating to the number of
         unaudited branches is given.
         -  Quantification:  Quantification  of  advances,  deposits,  interest  income,  and  interest  expense  for  such
         unaudited branches has also been disclosed in the audit report.
         -  International  Trends:  Such  disclosure  in  the  audit  report  is  not  only  in  accordance  with  the  best
         international trends.
         - Useful Information: It also provides useful information to users of financial statements.

         Matters for SBI & Nationalised Banks-
         - Auditor's Report: In the case of a nationalised bank, the auditor is required to make a report to the Central
         - SBI Report: The report of auditors of State Bank of India is also to be made to the Central Government and
         is almost identical to the auditor’s report in the case of a nationalised bank.
         - Transactions: Whether or not the transactions of the company which have come to his notice have been
         within the powers of the company.
         - Return from Branches: Whether or not the returns received from the offices and branches of the bank have
         been found adequate for the purpose of his audit.
         - B/S : Whether, in his opinion, the balance sheet is a full and fair balance sheet containing all the necessary
         particulars and is properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and fair view of the affairs of the bank.
         -  Profit/Loss  Account:  Whether  the  profit  and  loss  account  shows  a  true  balance  of  profit  or loss  for  the
         period covered by such account.
         - Information & Explanation: Whether or not the information and explanations required by him have been                                                                                     14.27
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